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Mydata TP11 UFP hardware initiation failure

Views: 3186



Mydata TP11 UFP hardware initiation failure | 20 July, 2006

I have a TP11 UFP without the hydra option and have had difficulty keeping it running. The latest problem is a hardware iniation problem which in the past was a PAIB board failure which I replaced about one year ago almost to the day. Has anyone seen this as a common failure on these machines? I would welcome any sugestions on keeping this thing going consistently.


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Mydata TP11 UFP hardware initiation failure | 20 July, 2006


This error could be caused by any number of problems.

Is there an error message in the message window before hardware initiation error? If so, what is it? A failure in any axis (x,y,z,c,theta,y-wagon,tray-wagon) could cause your symptom.

Paul M.

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Mydata TP11 UFP hardware initiation failure | 20 July, 2006


the error says "MOT1-38-247 MSETDYNX: Xwagon fan not working." I have checked...the X motor fan and it is working...the fan behind the PAIB board is also working...I checked this because there is a connector marked X wagon fan on the PAIB board that is connected to a fan and this fan is working. I have swapped the MOT cards around no avail. I am obviously missing something


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Mydata TP11 UFP hardware initiation failure | 20 July, 2006


That's a new one for me. Sorry, can't be of help on that problem. Good luck and keep us informed.

Paul M.

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Mydata TP11 UFP hardware initiation failure | 26 July, 2006

How does the machine sense that the fan is working/not working? The fan may be operational but the sense mechanism may be at fault.

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Mydata TP11 UFP hardware initiation failure | 26 July, 2006

My focus has moved to the X motor itself. The one common factor in this paricular problem has been the time of year. The day was a particularly hot day with high humidity. Even though there is a "Xfan" connection on the PIAB board I do not believe this fan to be the culprit. There is another input to the PIAB board directly from the X motor called a temp sw and a brake i/p. I believe this temp sw is the culprit because it sees an overtemp situation and shuts the X motor down. Naturally since the weather in the last few days has been cooler, the machine initiates fine. I also put the original PIAB board back in the machine and it continues to initiate the way it should. I have vacuumed and cleared away any accumulated dust from the area around the motor and I have removed the cover off the motor enclosure as well as off the motor itself. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for your interest.


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Mydata TP11 UFP hardware initiation failure | 27 July, 2006

Have you considered calling Mydata tech support ?

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Mydata TP11 UFP hardware initiation failure | 31 July, 2006

Yes .... I have spoken with Mydata tech support several times.

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