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Vectra Question

Views: 3890


Vectra Question | 4 August, 2006

I have been running a Vectra wave all week. I have been doing a lot of investigating in to the software of this machine. There are many options. I have accidently turned off the board count that displays the boards across the piture of the wave on the monitor. How do I turn these back on? Pleas ehelp!

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Wave Master Larry


Vectra Question | 4 August, 2006

LISTEN Dr Shocker. you're a doctor of what again? That's what you get for having those god awful Vecra machines.We've got a couple of those at my place of employment and I tell ya I hate that new fangled windows software that it runs on. I would say thats the root cause of your problems with regard to board counts. Personlly,Im a Soltec guy myself in fact have done some consulting work for Dover Soltec and on the side I teach at Soltec College.Heck Dover Soltec even gave me a few patents.My Soltec at my plac of employmeent heck I know them like the back of hand and have rebuilt them from scratch on many occassions.The engineering dept doesn't seem to agree with all my changes but what do they know?Their latest socalled "endeavor" is to switch us to this socalled VOC Free water based flux which I personally disagree with.Ya don't need a "PhD" to know that alcohol and VOC is more active speaking in the chemical sense.less is better I always say but these damn engineers don't agree. Not only that it affects the tact time putting more flux on the PCB.This new guy at my place of employemnt who wears a tie seems to agree with that too.Plus this water carrying flux does bad with the AI components to.lots of skips and lifted components at our select soldering machine. our engineer who left last year didnt agree either and toward the end he kep saying took-a-mah-jwab or some crap like that. too bad he usta be a good man until he kept talking about consipiracies and such.

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Earl Moon


Vectra Question | 4 August, 2006

I'm kind of a big deal in these circles. Call POD. We'll come to your rescue.

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Vectra Question | 4 August, 2006

Hell Doc,

This is an easy one. But first I must disagree with the wave master. I have done extensive refurb. jobs on Soltec and Vectra. The only thing Soltec has on Vectra is a better solder pot, and even that is close. Vectra software is many, many times better than Soltec. I have yet to see better wave software than Electrovert. If you have a Vectra, you have about the best wave solder out there. And no, I don't work for Speedline. But the question had nothing to do with Soltec anyway. Go to the quick view menu under the configuration drop-down. You can configure which parameters are displayed here. The board count is one of them.

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Vectra Question | 4 August, 2006

I meant to say Hello Doc, not Hell Doc. Sorry about that. By the way, where did you get your PHD?

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Vectra Question | 7 August, 2006

Would you adam & eve it? the 3 stooges all on one thread.

For the record the Texas Instruments Speak & Spell that I had as a small child had better software than our Soltec. (Even if it did spell Colour as Color)

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Vectra Question | 7 August, 2006

You cannot configure or change this parameter. I would suspect your ultra sonic sensor at the begining of the machine is bad.

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Vectra Question | 7 August, 2006

What a bunch of Jerks The Doctor asks a serious question which requires a straight forward answer and look at the crap he has to sort through to get a decent reply

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Vectra Question | 7 August, 2006

I may be a jerk, but I did give the guy the correct answer. And if you have read some of the things the Doctor has said on this forum, you probably wouldn't defend him. Just joking, Mumtaz you are the man around here.

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Vectra Question | 8 August, 2006

Yes yes Wss, I could not agree more. Many people like to put others down because they post here. Making sense of others problems boggles there minds and they turn confusion into rage.

Let me start by saying Larry Wave Master alway posts crazy sh*t here. His rambling is not easily followed but I can understand his frustration. Second, I went to school at Osmania University. Look it up and prepared to be impressed, Third it was the sensor at the begingin of the machine that was broken. Cleaning it with solvent is not good. So, it apears that everyone is wrong. replacing the machine with a Soltec is non sence since the sensor is so much cheaper.

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field service guy


Vectra Question | 8 August, 2006

Since you like to toot your own horn.......and since insomniac university is SO impressive then fix the sensor and move on.

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Vectra Question | 8 August, 2006

You are the one who said "as I was Forrest Gumping my way around the software (I know nothing about)and I turned off the board count"! Why would anyone think it was anything but, you turning it off?

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Vectra Question | 8 August, 2006

What a treat. All 3 of these guys in the same thread. I love it. You guys are always an entertaining read.

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Vectra Question | 8 August, 2006

Give Chunks some credit - she was right on...

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Chunk's Suitor


Vectra Question | 8 August, 2006

Chunks is female? Ooh la la. What a turn on. A female Wave expert.

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1 more wave expert


Vectra Question | 21 August, 2006

simply call the elctrovert TSC 1-800-737-8110 and I'm sure that you will get alot better results.Rathar than everybody;s personal opinions

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