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mpm up 2000 camera problem

Views: 2431



mpm up 2000 camera problem | 15 August, 2006

Does anyone know if it is possible to lower the camera brightness when selecting fiducials? Our UP2020's camera is extremely bright and sometimes it causes the fiducials to be rejected cause they are too bright to be seen. Any settings than can be adjusted?

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mpm up 2000 camera problem | 15 August, 2006

Yes, when teaching fids and you get to the screen shows your fid (either board or stencil), hit the middle "roller button" labeled NEXT. This will toggle your bulb from regular to bright and vice/versa. If it's still very bright, the bulb itself may need replacement. Or you may have a lot of HASL around your fid giving it very bright appearance - in which you should be able to reteach to the machine.

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mpm up 2000 camera problem | 15 August, 2006

Not sure about 2020 but AP's have an option to perform a histogram test/adjustment on the lighting. It's a black card, white card test and you can adjust a pot. in the machine to make the histogram curve "best-fit". On an AP, you find this option in "test mode" under "reports". MpM has a procedure for it but I don't know it for a 2020. If you want more info, I can explain it for an AP.

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mpm up 2000 camera problem | 15 August, 2006

Some software versions won't allow a brightness change with the next button. You should do a histogram test. Place a board on the worknest, then a smooth white card on top of that. Then jog the camera over the card. Raise the Z-axis to it's software limit(a couple of mm below the camera). Then turn on the board lamp. Proceede with histogram. Then view histogram report. If the graph for the white test is too far right of it's column, it's too bright so adjust the pot on the lamp power supply counter-clockwise. Then do another histogram. Let us know how it turns out.

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mpm up 2000 camera problem | 15 August, 2006

Check your gel flex. They're no good. Don't use em.

good Luck


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