Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design SMT Electronics Assembly Manufacturing Forum

Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design Forum

SMT electronics assembly manufacturing forum.

new site

I�m surprised seeing the new site today. Does this new appe... - Jan 15, 2001 by Wolfgang Busko  

hm.. I'll look into that this morning. ... - Feb 01, 2001 by Brian Doyle  


new site | 15 January, 2001

I�m surprised seeing the new site today. Does this new appearance encourage lively discussions on the topics ? I personally doubt it ! I liked the old version where I could see immediately who responded to a topic.

What do ya all think of this new forum?

May new thing be better


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new site | 15 January, 2001

I have to agree with you Wolfgang. Admittedly it's my first look at it but I don't think my opinion will change much. At this point I wish I had taken the time to respond to Brian's request to beta test the "new" site. Maybe I could have made a difference. I particularly dislike the larger ads on the left that force me to move every page to read it. Sorry guys, nice try, no cigar - what does everybody else think?

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new site | 15 January, 2001

The new format doesn't bother me. It seems less cluttered.

The adverts do seem huge, but the old forum always had that white space on the right side. Maybe we gave up that white space to get bigger ads.

It does seem faster.

I wish they had retained all the archives. There was so much great information there. Now there is only threads from Y00 and Y01. It's a shame, a real shame.

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new site | 15 January, 2001

Wow, it does look like the older archives are not available.

Major loss!

Maybe there are plans to graft the old stuff back in at some future date?

I agree it does load faster, that's a plus.


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Brian Doyle


re: new site | 15 January, 2001

Hi guys, thanks for the feedback!

Wolfgang - we're looking into making this forum similar to the old one (displaying messages instead of just threads on the forum homepage). In the meantime have you checked out the feature "While You Were Out" which is located on the forum homepage at the top. This feature will show you all messages posted since the last time you clicked on that button.

John - The ads are actually the same size as they were on the previous version of the site. It may be a layout issue that I can try and fix. What resolution are you currently running on your monitor? Drop me an email at

Dave - We did run into a problem converting a lot of the older threads but do not fret, we still have all of the archives and are in the process of converting them. Glad you noticed the speed increase, that was one of the most significant changes we wanted to make. I know I'll get you using Internet Explorer someday though.

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re: new site | 15 January, 2001

Hello Brian It seems that the ad size was an anomally that only appeared the first time I logged on to the new site. They were literally twice as wide as they are/were and pushed the text off the screen. Now it is as it was. I do like the fact that you can go directly to a new, or specific, post and not have to scroll through all of them. It does seem to load more quickly. Am I missing something or is it no longer possible to add a link to another site? Keep up your efforts - I'll give it a chance before I knock it

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Brian Doyle


re: new site | 15 January, 2001

Thanks John! You should be able to embed a link in the message just by typing its address. <-- that should resolve to a clickable address.

Keep 'em coming!

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new site | 15 January, 2001

I like the "While You Were Out"

I like being able to preview before posting and being able to edit my postings

I agree that the adverts are not larger, but that that column of information [on the left] is wider, which with the box around the adverts makes the space taken by adverts larger.

It's good that the archives may be accessable some day. I was incorrect. Y01 Archives are not accessable.

Search seems faster. Er, could that be a function of only "looking at" an abreviated archive?

The new HTML collapses lists of bulleted items into a string, unlike the old HTML.

So Brian, how do you propose to migrate me from Netscape? Do you plan to do this in Linex?

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Brian Doyle


new site | 15 January, 2001

wait, you use linux? :) If so that's a completely different story.

Anyhow I'll give you a hand migrating over to IE if you want. Heck you can fly me out there and I'll give you a hand!

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new site | 15 January, 2001

I figure using Lunix is about the only way to avoid MS "Error 400" and the "blue screen of death".

That would be great to have some IE migratory assistance. Is it tough to do that trick? Did you know that we don't have an IT department?

So then, after this migratory thing, will get my brouser to crash in unison with my other MS product crashes? Did you know that now when my brouser crashes, it doesn't take my computer down, rather just the application, novel idea eh?

Somethong to look forward to, mmmm.

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Brian Doyle


new site | 16 January, 2001

which search? the one that allows you to search the full site? or the one that is only in the forum (that you get to via the blue button)

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new site | 16 January, 2001

The Search at the upper right, where it says "Search SMTnet".

I beleieve this is the comment that Cebukid is making also.

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Brian Doyle


new site | 16 January, 2001


if you do get an error message on the screen try to email it to me.

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new site - gimme dem links | 16 January, 2001

There�s two places I like to have links. 1 When I�m viewing a thread, I get a tree of postings. I�d like to be able to select the title of a posting and be linked to that posting, rather than using my mouse wheel or the side bar to scroll down to that posting. 2 When I�m in "While You Were Out", I get the postings that have been made since I was last at the Forum. When I select the title of a thread, I�d like to be linked to that posting.

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new site | 16 January, 2001

Type ... pads ... in the search box and select Search

You get 40 or so listings.

Select the first one and you get an error screen with ...

The parameter is incorrect.

... that's it. No Error 400 [or 404], nuthin.

While we're on the broad topic of searching, those relevancy numbers [the numbers with the per cent signs] beside the listings after a search have little relevancy.

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Brian Doyle


new site | 16 January, 2001

results are working for me. hm....I'll try in netscape. Relevancy actually scores based on the amount of times a certain searched term appears in the result and also where in the result it appears.

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Dave F


new site | 17 January, 2001

I just tried it in IE. IT WORKED!!!!

Did you fix it or will be going to see Father Gregory this weekend?

Yano, if a bunch of these "quirks" are IE / NN related, it might be worth you paying your way out here to convert me over to IE. I have an extra Jints hat that you could wear, if you do come.


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new site | 17 January, 2001

Yano what else is nice about using IE, as compared to using NN? The title of a thread changes color after you select it and then move on to another thread. Cool!!!! Boy, I wish it worked that way in NN!!!!

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new site - emails busted | 17 January, 2001

First the new email looks great and file management is far improved, but ...

When I select someone's underlined email address [thinking that I would like to send them a message], I get the following error:

Error Occurred While Processing Request

Error Diagnostic Information

An error has occurred.

HTTP/1.0 404 Object Not Found

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new site - wherza newsletter? | 17 January, 2001

When selecting any issue of the newsletter ...

The page cannot be found

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

Please try the following:

If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly. Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want. Click the Back button to try another link.

HTTP 404 - File not found Internet Information Services

Technical Information (for support personnel)

More information: Microsoft Support

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Brian Doyle


new site - wherza newsletter? | 18 January, 2001

hm, it might have been fixed last night because it seems to be working this morning.

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Brian Doyle


new site | 18 January, 2001

And you wonder why we reccommend using IE instead of Netscape.

I don't know about a Giants hat...Giants tickets though I'll be there.

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new site - opening old threads | 22 January, 2001

Why isn't there a switch that prevents very nice and intelligent people from posting to old [closed] threads?

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new site - email "from" links | 22 January, 2001

Email has several columns ... "box", status, attach, from, subject, received.

Why doesn't "from" show a link to the author's email address, so that you can click on that to send an email to that person? Having a link would be so much easier than opening the email, selecting reply, deleting everything ...

It not works this way in both IE and NN.

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new site - embeded links | 31 January, 2001

I can't use the embedded link to the email address in this thread

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Brian Doyle


new site - embeded links | 1 February, 2001

hm.. I'll look into that this morning.

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new site - embeded links | 1 February, 2001

Embedded email links in emails don't work either, in the unlikely chance that that's a help.

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Brian Doyle


new site - embeded links | 1 February, 2001

> Embedded email links in emails don't work either, > in the unlikely chance that that's a help.

I believe they are related..

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new site - opening old threads | 5 February, 2001

I thought there was going to be a switch that prevented very nice and intelligent people from posting to old [closed] threads. Am I confused?

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new site - why limited archives? | 5 February, 2001

The archives appear to go back in time no further than the first quarter of 2000. Is that accurate? Where are the older archives archived? When will the older archives be put on-line?

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new site - search doesn't search | 14 February, 2001

Search [with the top right hand box] the "Forum" for ... concoat.

Receive zero hits.

Yet there was a posting containing "concoat" within the past month in []

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new site - search doesn't search | 15 February, 2001

Dave F. I would like to take that a step further. When I go to the Industry Directory and search by category it bring back the original "Newest Additions" page. It does not allow me to search by manufacturers,consultants....and so on. If I search by alphabetical listings it work great, but "A's" alone has way to many listings for me to go through.

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new site - gimme dem links | 15 February, 2001

It works. Cool ... er was this a result of my switch-over to IE from NN?

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new site - main conference "new thread refresh" button | 16 February, 2001

Why would one want to use a "new thread refresh" button? Isn't a new thread button refreshed, definition? ;-)

Erzit possible that this is really two buttons? A "new thread" button and a "refresh" button? Could these two buttons be placed much closer together and still be functional? ;-)

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new site - main conference | 27 February, 2001

Ooooo, thatsa nice.

Good job.

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