Conductive Anodonic Filament
My worry is that any extra moisture added to the Lead free Material during assembly may cause this Conductive filament to grow within the material weave. They are water washing after through hole assembly and then after water washing they are doing hand assembly.
I'm not so concerned about the water its self as I am thinking that it can open a channel for the flux to follow into the weave of the material itself to were as to start the CAF process or formation prior to Electrical testing or burn in of the finished assembly. Its this Electrical testing or burn in that has the potential to complete the puzzle by basically causing copper to migrate from hole to hole through the weave causing copper to plate across forming a high resistant short.
I have never seen this issue, but this process made me start to think that this could cause an issue.
I just get concerned when moisture is introduced into a lead free assembly prior to it being completely assembled,
Moisture and lead free Laminates are not friends.
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