Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design SMT Electronics Assembly Manufacturing Forum

Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design Forum

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Panel layout software

Views: 8357



Panel layout software | 20 December, 2011

Hi all,

Can anyone advise some software for carrying out PCB panelisation?


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Panel layout software | 20 December, 2011 Product is called Kwik Fit

I have been a user of this product for years. Be certain to get your PCB House build criteria. Good Luck!

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Panel layout software | 23 December, 2011

1 Panelization * LPKF CircuitCAM 6 - * Downstream CAM350 - * Cadsoft Eagle -

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Panel layout software | 24 December, 2011

I use CAM350 and I really like it. Nice software and fairly easy to use. Pretty nice for extracting XY Data too when your customers are just too stubborn to send you any.

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Manufacturing Software