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Meridian 1020P servo wont start

Views: 4146


Meridian 1020P servo wont start | 25 June, 2014

During machine run, sometimes when we stop to change parts the servos wont start back up. There is a message on the screen that says "Amplifier is resetting power". When that message clears and push the servo on button nothing happens. There is an error reported on the Hyper Terminal screen- event = 9 for all of the z axis. This is an older machine we got used and I am new operator on it. Any help troubleshooting would be appreciated.

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Meridian 1020P servo wont start | 26 June, 2014

On the older machines if the z-axis has springs on them sometimes they get weak and when you open the door the z will not stay up. Before closing the door manually push the z up if they are dropping down then enable the motor power. If this is the case.....replace the old springs.

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Meridian 1020P servo wont start | 26 June, 2014

I have 2 Meridian 1010's sitting in the back of my shop. I also bought used and never was able to get them working reliably. I hope you have better luck. If you need any parts keep me in mind.

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Meridian 1020P servo wont start | 30 June, 2014

Haven't had a chance to check this out yet. It ran all day Thursday with no trouble, then we were off for 3 days. Doing a changeover now so will try this next time it acts up. Thanks for your reply.

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Meridian 1020P servo wont start | 8 July, 2014

Unfortunately it seems we have a worse problem than a Z rod spring. The machine was running fine this morning but ran out of a part, and when I shut the door and pressed Servo On nothing happens again. I shut down and let sit for a while. Now I get an error message on boot saying Servo off because of Amp fault (front Z1 Axis)

Are the servo amps interchangeable? I would like to swap them around and see to see which one is giving me trouble.

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Meridian 1020P servo wont start | 9 July, 2014

Are you sure you don't have a door interlock problem? Some of the covers of mirae machines have a physical switch and a magnetic switch that both have to be made for the interlock to be closed. It could be if you have a magnetic switch that the magnet is weakening and needs adjusted/replaced.

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Meridian 1020P servo wont start | 9 July, 2014

Yeah, already checked interlocks.

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Meridian 1020P servo wont start | 9 July, 2014

After letting sit for a while it started back up fine. Ran 1 board through with no problem, but half way through second board heard a popping sound and machine stopped with following message in GUI- servo off because of Amp fault.

In the Hyper Terminal session I see the following- Front Y1 (MRC motion board 0 : Axis) Servo on board 1 Axis 0 Alarm clear failed. Board 1 Axis 0 Alarm clear failed. ***Sorry can't work any more*** M-> PC : A3005 I2 8 3326

Can anyone make sense of this?

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Meridian 1020P servo wont start | 9 July, 2014

After shut down for a while I re booted and it seemed to start OK. Ran 1 board, then half way through the second board I heard a popping sound, the machine stopped, and I had the following message on the GUI- Servo off because of Amp fault.

In the Hyper Terminal session I have the following- Front Y1 (MRC motion board 0 : 1 Axis) Servo ONBoard 1 Axis 0 alarm clear failed. Board 1 Axis 0 Alarm clear failed. ***Sorry can't work any more.*** M-> PC : A3005 I2 8 3326.

Can anyone make sense of this? Trying to add attachment but can't seem to get there.

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Meridian 1020P servo wont start | 9 July, 2014

You have a rather old machine that you are realizing this you need to check some things.

1. Clean the scales in the x and y direction. On some of the encoders there is an led to see if its reading correctly....Usually it turns green but if you move the gantry and it turns red you have a bad spot in the encoder scale. I would check and make sure its ok. 2. If you have linear motors....make sure nothing has found its way down into the magnetic track. If you have the belt style machine.....verify the belt is tight and the idler bearing is still ok.....I have had to replace many of those as they go bad. 3. In the program editor software under 'utility' you can do a current function clear and communication clear. Try these when the machine doesn't respond and then try to turn the servo power back on.

good luck

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Meridian 1020P servo wont start | 9 July, 2014

We have cleaned the encoders even though they look pretty clean. The function clear doesnt have any effect on the machine while it is in this state.

Have not checked the mag tracks but will give it a look.

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Meridian 1020P servo wont start | 10 July, 2014

It looks like we did have an interlock problem. Maintenance re possitioned them and it seems to have cleared up our problem. For some reason when we close the door, it still wants to reset the Amp power, but if we wait for the all clear in the GUI before starting the servos, all is well.

Thanks for all your help.

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