Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design SMT Electronics Assembly Manufacturing Forum

Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design Forum

SMT electronics assembly manufacturing forum.

DIP Conformal Coating

Chris McDonald


DIP Conformal Coating | 11 February, 2000

Does anybody have a source for jigs/tanks for a manual dip operation? We are stuck conformally coating PCBs manualy and the volumes do not justify us buying a 100k automated machine. there for we have to manually dip the pcb in a silicon based coating. This is a very slow process and I am looking into semi-automating this process without spending over 5k. Any suggestions??

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Eyal Dickerman


Re: DIP Conformal Coating | 12 February, 2000

Suplier of Dip coating machines , Technology, Services... Mr Nicebit at ConCoat U.K.

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Graham Naisbitt


Re: DIP Conformal Coating | 14 February, 2000


With thanks to Eyal, this is Graham Naisbitt (NiceBit? - Talk to Eyal later!)

We can indeed offer you semi-automatic equipment from around $8K US.

Your budget is really low, we have to make a living too you know. However, this equipment does have to meet certain minimum safety criteria as much as providing reliable productivity.

Take a look at my web site ( for full info and let me know where you are to get you more information

Regards, Graham Naisbitt

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Re: DIP Conformal Coating | 14 February, 2000

Chris: I can't a semi-auto dip tank being any faster than manually dipping. Better control - yes. Less messy - yes. Other stuff Graham mentioned - yes. Have you discussed your goals with some of the used equipment folks listed in the archives? Have you browsed the SMTnet PCBCE Mart? Good luck. Dave F

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David Erskine


Re: DIP Conformal Coating | 15 February, 2000

Hi Chris,

Inseto (UK) Limited can offer a conformal coating dipping unit that is within your budget. Call 01264-334505 and ask for David or Ceri. Goodbye

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