Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design SMT Electronics Assembly Manufacturing Forum

Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design Forum

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Intrusive Soldering

Views: 5358


Intrusive Soldering | 3 September, 2015

Hi All, I need to know all about intrusive soldering. A site with all possible details about stencil design, paste printing for intrusive soldering and etc.. would be very helpful to me.

Thanking you in advance,

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Intrusive Soldering | 3 September, 2015

Our friend Bob Willis talks about intrusive soldering.

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Intrusive Soldering | 4 September, 2015

SMTA is a good source of information. smta dot org Use the Publications tab and search for your topic. You'll access journal papers and conference proceedings.

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Intrusive Soldering | 5 September, 2015

Hi, Thank you for the information. I have read his writings about this topic.

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Intrusive Soldering | 3 December, 2015

The problem we ran into trying to do more intrusive reflow is that many of the TH parts could not withstand the temperatures for the reflow cycle.

Solder preforms that could be placed by the Pick and Place was one of the avenues I explored trying to get that going.

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