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Need small quantity of chemicals for PC board fabrication

Views: 3094


Need small quantity of chemicals for PC board fabrication | 26 April, 2016

We have in-house PCB fabrication capability for items such as simple single-sided prototype boards, copper shields and copper stencils for our paint shop. We are having difficulty acquiring small containers of chemicals, especially developer and stripper. Manufacturers are selling these chemicals in large drums only, where we only use 1-2 gallons per year. We are using Kepro etching equipment. Does anybody know of a source for small quantities of chemicals for PCB fabrication for home or small business that would work in Kepro equipment? Yes, we can outsource, but there are some advantages to having limited capability in-house. Thank you!

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Need small quantity of chemicals for PC board fabrication | 28 April, 2016

Which chemicals do you need and what process are you running? PCB manufacture is a fairly well understood , but there are quite a few complex processes. To end up with a board. there are a few small specialist suppliers like Think/Tinker and MG Chemicals. How ever some chemicals are available at your local supermarket, your local industrial cleaning supplier, and even your local chemist. Just ask and explain. Also chemical companies that supply other industrial processes may well be happy to sell you a few kilo's of a compound you might otherwise have to buy by the drum or the pallet.

regards sarason

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Need small quantity of chemicals for PC board fabrication | 29 April, 2016

Radio Shack used to sell etching solution in a pint bottle. There may be a hobby shop that does as well. Pay attention to the Handling/PPE/Disposal requirements!!!

Not to take you away from your venture, but there are some companies that specialize in small batch/Quick turn PCB fabrication. I like to use PCB123/Sunstone.

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