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How Quad Align works (Quad IV-c machine)

Views: 2287



How Quad Align works? (Quad IV-c machine) | 2 August, 2019

Hey guys, I'm using my Quad IV-c for a while now and I already manage to run some batches, but I never used the "Quad Align" feature before, since almost all my boards are 1206 parts, that doesn´t need a ton of precision to align.

Anyway, I would like to learn about the quad align, because I plan to use some parts that require a fine-tuning in my next pcb.

So, to try to figure out how it works, I got one of my 1206 pick-ups to make a few tests. As I understood, the QA data is included with the "ATTACH LAE?". Ok, then I set the 1206 resistor size:

Length: 126 length Tol: 10 (is this mils or %?) widht: 63 wid tol: 5 (mils or %?) height: 20 align type: 5 (medium non-leaded) pickup delay: 0 vac delay:0

The actual X, Y, and Z, from that pickup, has not been modified, is exactly the same as I used before, I just included the QA data.

After I tried to execute the pickup, the nozzle goes down to pick the part, but the machine stopped with "Limit Error Y= -19". "Motor Error 4".

I supposed was something to do with the height, then I tried to place height = 10 and then I got a "Limit Error Y=-9". Setting the height = 0, the resistor is picked, but the machine rejects and sends the part to the Dump box. If I just remove all this QA data the machine picks and place the resistor, but of course without any fine alignment.

Since the manual doesn't show a more detailed explanation, can someone give me some tips on how this feature works?

Thanks in advance.

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How Quad Align works? (Quad IV-c machine) | 2 August, 2019

UPDATE: I was reading around about similar problems. My function #30 always return nozzle height 1. I tried to clean up the glasses and the internal laser lenses, no go, still at height 1. Even after removing both glasses, still at height 1.

I saw some mod codes related to QA, but doesn't make a difference, still on 1. (Or I don't know how to setup)

Maybe a busted QA unit?

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How Quad Align works? (Quad IV-c machine) | 2 August, 2019

I can't answer your question as it's been way too long since I did any Quad IVc work, but at some point bobpan will probably reply and give you exactly what you need.

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How Quad Align works? (Quad IV-c machine) | 2 August, 2019

haha....thanks Steve!!!

Nozzle Height of 1 means that you have dust or something in the quadalign lens. You need to clean the lens with alcohol then a dry lint free cloth and if it stays the same....that means the lens has an issue or there is dirt inside the quad align. Since the quad align is probably 20 years old remove the lens on the camera side and then blow it out with some DRY air. I would then do a function 30 and if its around 200 the problem is fixed, If not keep trying to blow it out and if this does not work then i would get another quad align unit.

good luck, Bob

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How Quad Align works? (Quad IV-c machine) | 4 August, 2019

Hey bob,

I had no luck. Even removing both glasses, cleaning that curved lenses with a cotton swab and isopropanol and blowing compressed air, the height still on 1.

I will try on the next weekend again, to be sure, but my first guess is the QA unit.

Other questions:

1) is there a separated pcb for the QA? Or is this controlled by the mainboard? (just to know if I need to look at somewhere else than the laser unit)

2) What about mod code 67, QA angle? After a reset my machine default to 2333, but I saw something about 1500. Anyway, both values returns height 1.

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