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MYDATA MY15E F-MOT-MOVE X/250 problem

Views: 2980



MYDATA MY15E F-MOT-MOVE X/250 problem | 22 November, 2019

I am looking for some help for where to look to fix this MY15E problem. 1. after hardware initiation appear - F-MOT-MOVE X/250: Motor speed out of control (photo1). 2. in service mode when x motor initiate appear - F-MOT-MSETDYN X/12: No axis movement detected transducer (photo2) 3. in extended service mode when move with x wagon the position of the transducer X wagon and x belt changes (photo3). I swapping the MOT card with another MOT card. How test x motor ? Any suggestions? Thanks


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MYDATA MY15E F-MOT-MOVE X/250 problem | 22 November, 2019

When you swapped the MOT card, did the proble move to another axis? I'm guessing no, but, wanted to clarify.

If the problem did not move, you either have an x-motor problem, x-motor counter problem, or x-transducer problem as noted. Or, a cable problem.

Make sure all cables are securely connected (I'd unplug and re-plug them to be sure); and double check for frayed/crimped wires, etc. Your problem could also lie in the ribbon cable, especially if it hasn't been replaced in a long time.

My guesses as to the likelihood of the issue: 1. Motor 2. Counter 3. Cable 4. Transducer

cheers, ..rob

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MYDATA MY15E F-MOT-MOVE X/250 problem | 25 November, 2019

it is possible to test x belt motor and x wagon motor.

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MYDATA MY15E F-MOT-MOVE X/250 problem | 25 November, 2019

You should be able to see the counts in the service screen for the motors while testing them...that's usually the easiest way to see if they're least the encoders.

In some of the older systems, the drive motors were all the same, and you could swap them out. Say, put the y-drive motor in place of the x-drive motor, and see what happens to the problem. But, I'm not certain if the MY15 followed that pattern.

Cheers, ..rob

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