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Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem

Views: 6839


Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem | 25 February, 2020

hello guys, I got a problem with MAIN START switch on Samsung CP45FV NEO. The switch itself works, and it activates contactors #1-1 #1-2 and #3 but after pressing READY button there is en error msg reporting that MAIN START has not been pressed. Already checked contactor voltages and CAN board. It looks like there is sensor on some of boards that doesnt register MAIN SWITCH being pressed???

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Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem | 29 April, 2020

Maybe your phone had factory defect, I think if you will go to the flagman store they will offer you a solution or even exchange your defected phone to the new one. I have tried the same when I lived in my property in France and consultant suggested me to change.

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Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem | 30 April, 2020

Thank you for you reply yernie. This forum is about industrial electronics assembly machines and technologies and not about smartphones. btw, the problem was IF board if anyone was wondering.

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Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem | 10 August, 2021

Hi Could you explain what the IF board is? I am getting a 1002 ALARM occurred in MIR axis, i cannot figure out what its trying to tell me. I have never been able to make this machine work. Would you have any ideas? Thank you have a great day. I was really curious regarding what the IF board was.

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Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem | 11 August, 2021

Hi James, make sure you have healthy HDD and disk image. These machines are a bit prone to data corruption after all these years and it can often look like hardware problem. I had a problem with mirror axis that turned out to be corrupted data. There are several IF boards, but the one that makes problem more often than others is feeder IF board.

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Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem | 11 August, 2021

Hi Bukas, Thanks for getting back to me. What is the IF board? Is that the Interface Boards in the cage?

How do I know if I have a healthy hard drive? Is there anything in particular to look for?

I will run chkdsk today and see if it reports any errors.

The unit was suppose to have been checked over before I received it. I noticed that one of the drives shows Err 22 when I try to put the machine into READY state, what should I look for in terms of hard disk health? Any idea what would cause a 22 error?

I know with WIn98 you want to make sure you exit and get the "its safe to shutdown" screen, otherwise it could corrupt the swap file.

Thanks again for your response and help.

James in Canada

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Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem | 12 August, 2021

there is no, error $0022 in technical reference. is the error you are getting a EMER level? if so there is probably a safety sensor or switch that is causing this error. $0021 is related to door switch so I would go from there. do you have technical reference and other documents for machine? all machines I have run on Win XP. data corruption can manifest in many ways with this machine. I had mirror errors, freeze in mid assembly, cant get machine in ready state, application crashing when optimizing program, etc...

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Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem | 12 August, 2021

Hi Bukas, Err 22 shows up on the Panasonic motor driver in the back. I purchased this machine used. I have never had it operating in my shop. I checked the output of the transformer, 110 V output is 97 220 is 197, so I checked my input its 200 (machine is wired for 220-240. I have moved the taps to the 200 volt position. When the drive generates a 22 error all the other drives show err 13 which is an under voltage error. I am going to give it a try today and see if that fixes me up. Not sure if the machine does any movements when the READY button is pressed. Thanks for your help.

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Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem | 12 August, 2021

it can be cable. can you swap cables with next driver? also swap cables on head. if same driver shows error you need new driver probably. if new driver shows error then its cables or motor. check documentation to see what motor it drives. you cant swap spindle driver with mirror driver...

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Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem | 30 August, 2021

So it was the drive, I was able to swap the conveyor drive for the mirror drive, these 2 drives are the same luckily. Just tapping lightly on the head would cause a 22 error to appear on the drive, at first I thought the motor must be bad. After talking with Ed at Assured Technical , which is the guy supplying the service for the person I bought it from, we decided the swap the drives. Once powered up I just tapped the conveyor drive motor, the drive showed an Err 22. The encoders are so sensitive, its hard to believe. Anyways I sure am glad I had Ed, he had a drive sent to me right away, it looked brand new, and it worked right off the bat. Thank you for all of your suggestions. Hopefully I can run my first job without damaging anything.

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Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem | 17 September, 2021

Hi Bukas,

Do you have a CP45?

I need some help: Ihave no board loaded, the machine is booted and homed.

So to pick up a nozzle,

I open the ANC window.

Click on the nozzle I want, say 29 its a CN065

When I press pick, it asks, machine is not homed, home now?

I click yes, the machine homes.

Then I click on Nozzle 29 in the ANC window the machine moves over to the nozzles, moves the Z axis down a bit and errors.

Am I doing anything incorrectly or not doing a step that I should?

Thank you for any help you can offer.

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