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Depanel Scraps?

Views: 2617


Depanel Scraps? | 27 January, 2021

What is everyone doing with their scraps from the depanel process? Our scraps (rails and any FR4 filling in blank spaces of the panel) don't contain any copper content so none of the local metal/electronics recycling outfits will take it.

Are you able to recycle this stuff along side cardboard and plastics? I'd like to keep it out of a landfill if possible.

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Depanel Scraps? | 27 January, 2021

Ask your PCB suppliers what they do with their scrap FR4. Especially if any are local to you. I predict that you will not be happy with their answer.

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Depanel Scraps? | 27 January, 2021

It's an overseas supplier. I'm not keen on taking environmental impact advice from China.

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Depanel Scraps? | 27 January, 2021

Where I was before, someone started keeping the scraps because he wasn't sure where to put them. Then everyone did and it built up.

We had a couple local PCB suppliers and asked what they did. Landfill.

I think FR4 with masking isn't amenable to recycling.

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Depanel Scraps? | 28 January, 2021

We save some pieces to make fixtures, but most of our FR4 scrap goes to trash. We of course recycle all of the aluminum PCBs.

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Depanel Scraps? | 28 January, 2021

We send out with our e-scrap. I know there is no "value" in it and we're probably losing on some $ return but at least it stays out of landfill.

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Depanel Scraps? | 28 January, 2021

It's seeming more and more like I'll have to toss it in the trash, which is a bummer, but none of the typical e-waste guys want it since it contains no copper.

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Depanel Scraps? | 28 January, 2021

I use FCT Recovery. During the last 6 months we've been going thru a 6S mission here so we have scrapped old equipment, shelving, anything with the least little metal in it. We sent them some cardboard (by mistake), they sent that back. Now we do send them some high quality lead free dross (we don't sinter or anything, just squeeze out the solder from our waves) so I know there is a high percentage of solder in the dross buckets.

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Depanel Scraps? | 1 February, 2021

Perhaps for the future, you could have your board house add copper thieving to the edges. I don't know if that will increase cost though. Most of our arrays come in with copper thieving and we don't ask for it. At least then you'd have copper in it, and the recylcers will take it. Then again, if they extract the copper and landfill the rest anyway, it doesn't really solve your environmental dilema, it just transfers it.

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Depanel Scraps? | 1 February, 2021

Yea I thought basically the same thing. Possibly increase our own costs meanwhile the FR4 still ends up stuffed into the ground.

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