Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design SMT Electronics Assembly Manufacturing Forum

Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design Forum

SMT electronics assembly manufacturing forum.

Baking a Populated PCB

Tom B.


Baking a Populated PCB | 30 July, 1999

Hello Netters,

I have a customer who wants us to aquaeos wash a PCB after all operations have been performed. The PWB is two layer FR4 with a Transformer, a Multichip Module with Conformal Coating, (6) 11" insulated wires that are tinned on exposed ends.

I have contaced the Vendor of transformer and they indicate that it can be washed. I have contacted the Vendor of the Multichip module to find out who, what conformal is used.

I know that these PCB's will have to have a bake period to drive out the moisture or entrapped water. What I need is some info on what Temperatures and times that would be a good starting point for bake out.

Thanks for any help!

Tom B.

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Re: Baking a Populated PCB | 30 July, 1999

| Hello Netters, | | I have a customer who wants us to aquaeos wash a PCB after all operations have been performed. The PWB is two layer FR4 with a Transformer, a Multichip Module with Conformal Coating, (6) 11" insulated wires that are tinned on exposed ends. | | I have contaced the Vendor of transformer and they indicate that it can be washed. I have contacted the Vendor of the Multichip module to find out who, what conformal is used. | | I know that these PCB's will have to have a bake period to drive out the moisture or entrapped water. What I need is some info on | what Temperatures and times that would be a good starting point for bake out. | | Thanks for any help! | | Tom B. | Tom: What's the goal of baking? Boare board baking is typically 210C for 4 to 6 hours. Dave F

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Make That F | 30 July, 1999

| | Hello Netters, | | | | I have a customer who wants us to aquaeos wash a PCB after all operations have been performed. The PWB is two layer FR4 with a Transformer, a Multichip Module with Conformal Coating, (6) 11" insulated wires that are tinned on exposed ends. | | | | I have contaced the Vendor of transformer and they indicate that it can be washed. I have contacted the Vendor of the Multichip module to find out who, what conformal is used. | | | | I know that these PCB's will have to have a bake period to drive out the moisture or entrapped water. What I need is some info on | | what Temperatures and times that would be a good starting point for bake out. | | | | Thanks for any help! | | | | Tom B. | | | Tom: What's the goal of baking? Boare board baking is typically 210C for 4 to 6 hours. Dave F | OOOPs make that F. Sorry. Dave F

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Re: Make That F | 30 July, 1999

| | | Hello Netters, | | | | | | I have a customer who wants us to aquaeos wash a PCB after all operations have been performed. The PWB is two layer FR4 with a Transformer, a Multichip Module with Conformal Coating, (6) 11" insulated wires that are tinned on exposed ends. | | | | | | I have contaced the Vendor of transformer and they indicate that it can be washed. I have contacted the Vendor of the Multichip module to find out who, what conformal is used. | | | | | | I know that these PCB's will have to have a bake period to drive out the moisture or entrapped water. What I need is some info on | | | what Temperatures and times that would be a good starting point for bake out. | | | | | | Thanks for any help! | | | | | | Tom B. | | | | | Tom: What's the goal of baking? Boare board baking is typically 210C for 4 to 6 hours. Dave F | | | OOOPs make that F. Sorry. Dave F | I bake our boards in for 250F for 2 hours if I know they're going into ESD bags for shipping within a few hours; don't want your customers pouring water out of ESD bags on product you just shipped them. But for the most part, I don't; it's a judgement call at the time.


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