Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design SMT Electronics Assembly Manufacturing Forum

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GEM interfacing with MPM printers

Brian Pollitt


GEM interfacing with MPM printers | 2 December, 1998

We're using Cimetrix Host Manager to communicate with MPM UP3000 printers specifically to capture measurement and system settings and error messages. It all works fine until the printer is taken off line. The GEMComm S/W on the MPMs PC (DOS) doesn't close the sockets down on the UNIX host - obviously this is isn't noticed until the HP server goes tits up 'cos of all these sockets hanging. We then have to reboot the UNIX box which is a P.I.T.A. given the systems runnig on it. Any body got any clues? MPM or Cimetrix can't help (not that there not willing...

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