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Dek compared to MPM


Dek compared to MPM | 17 September, 2001

Hi Jeff

Am I correct in asumming that the dek requires different stencil designs compared to the mpm ie Take a 6th stencil and print on a dek then a mpm and the results are very diffrent

The reason I am asking this is we have found that we have to deSign diffrent apperture sizes as we found the Dek leaves a increased paste height compared to the MPM.

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Jeff Schake


Dek compared to MPM | 18 September, 2001

This is an interesting dilemma you have been faced with. If both machines are outfitted similarly and running under identical process settings then they should produce nearly the same results, in theory. I do not dispute the observations you are reporting, since this is what your data indicates. But you should not have to use two different stencil designs. Without actually being at your facility to witness your process, it is difficult to make any sound conclusions. I suspect the underlying causes for these differences are likely to run a bit deeper than looking at the standard program parameters. There may be some differences between the squeegees, tooling support, board clamping, or solder paste that you have not mentioned which could be causing different results to occur.


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Dek compared to MPM | 7 November, 2001

Dear Mr. Jeff, Our SMT room are using the DEK288 and MPM2030 Printers at the same time. We found the similar problem also as mentioned by MR.JOHNW. We analysis it was mainly caused by the PCB metal fixture used in DEK288. The PCB metal fixture is about 0.2mm thickness, it causes the stencil could contact the PCB surface tightly, especially near to the edge side area of the PCB. So it'll make excess paste on the PCB,

Best regards! Marshall

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