Tks. So was the answer that you got close? [ala "Car Talk"] Some guy from Cal-fornie sends me spill. I get cigars from � Yeh, I know I hog the responses, but I learn by doing this. If I can communicate in print, I can better communicate in words.
You�re correct about the Leister website. Go back there. Select �contents� [top-center/left, in sky blue]. Look down at the bottom of that page for �SMT Rework Tools�. That�ll give you a sketch of the product you want. Why not give one of their applications types a call? Wuddya loose?
Back on SMTnet, look for a similar thread [to yours], 2-3 years ago [search on Leister] with Earl Moon. He was trying to remove connectors from a thick board, as I recall. Back then, we pulled a trick similar to the one we�re talking about. [And you aren�t going to have to go to Wal-Mart.] It worked GREAT.
Hakko makes very good products. But their [and similar products from Pace, OK, APE, etc.] are kinda limp wristed for jobs like this. Products from all of these companies work GREAT for melting solder on SMT devices and the like. And that is exactly what they�re designed to do, not goofy stuff like this.
On the other hand, if you have a couple Hakkos. Give it a shot. Who knows? You may find that you can pull this trick with those products.
It�s nice to know that AirVac makes nozzles for this connector.
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