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What is VCO mean ???

Eric Chua


What is VCO mean ??? | 24 February, 2002

Can anyone tell me what is "VCO" free swing spray fluxer mean ??? The "VCO" stand for what ???

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What is VCO mean ??? | 25 February, 2002

Eric, I assume you are talking about "VOC" as in (MXL-350VC "VOC FREE" Swing Spray Fluxer) since I have never heard of "VCO" used when talking about Spray Fluxers', or anything else for that matter. This is copied right from the SMTnet Library: VOC. Volatile Organic Compound. VOC Free Flux. Flux, Low Residue.

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What is VCO mean ??? | 25 February, 2002

Actually VCO's are a common term in my neck of the woods (RF and wireless equipment), but not in the context that Eric used the term. I think you are right about him wanting a VOC, because to me a VCO is a Voltage Controlled Oscillator...


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What is VCO mean ??? | 25 February, 2002

Thanks for the info, You are welcome to educate me anytime.

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