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ESD Control Set-up


ESD Control Set-up | 8 July, 2002

We are assigned to set-up an ESD control at a new site. There are a few proposals in mind, they are 1) conductive flooring with heel strap or shoe 2) wrist strap with continuos monitoring 3)the normal wrist strap with the common grounding point. Would appreciate some feedback on the pros and cons and the cost involve of the above proposal. One of the main criteria is to avoid the need to test the grounding functionality as well as the mobility of the operator.

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ESD Control Set-up | 8 July, 2002

It's possible there is no 'correct' answer to this question. First, consider that each of these ESD control methods have a place in your plant, for instance: 1) conductive flooring with heel strap or shoe => Use where operators need to move frquently, say around process machiney, like placement or wave solder machines 2) wrist strap with continuos monitoring => => Use where operators don't move much and the potential to damage product is high, like a hand assembly area doing third operations. 3) normal wrist strap with the common grounding point. => Use where operators don't move much and the potential to damage product is low, like an incoming inspection or shipping area.

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Ken Bliss


ESD Control Set-up | 9 July, 2002

One thing that is a constant in the electronics assembly world is change. What ever you setup now be sure to think about what might change in the not to distant future. My experience says that you want ESD flooring, although cost of course is a neccesary evil, the floor is a constant assuming it is installed right and grounded correctly. It ensures that you can easily install and move around virtually everything. Many areas need heel staps to work well and wrist straps are ideal but employees frequently do not like to use them. Keeping it simple for people to use is key as then they will. Things that move around typically have ground chains ie. carts. Anything on wheels needs a ESD safe floor with drag chains to conduct. ESD wax can work but I see to many times when wax maitenance is being done and the custodial people are using the wrong wax and end up with an invisible checkerboard of areas that are safe and areas that are not safe. Conductive flooring without wax just cleaned and buffed for maintenance works well. Using multiple systems in multiple areas tends to confuse people. Using one standard method usualy works better because people will use it as routine and you will have less need for the ESD police.

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ESD Control Set-up | 16 July, 2002


Is there any ESD system that do not requires the ESD wrist/heel strap testing? You see one problem we face is meeting the wrist strap testing compliance. There bound to have some operator fail to carry out the wrist strap test. How can we prevent this from happening. Initially we thought of placing the ESD test terminals at the shopfloor entrance but this will cause traffic jammed. We also thought conductive flooring will eliminate the need to test the wrist/heel strap but obviously this is not the case.

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ESD Control Set-up | 16 July, 2002

Comments are: * Strap-testing has its problems. Sure, compliance is a pain in the keester. Yes, straps are only tested a couple of times a day. Ladeda. But, people need to understand and accept the importance of proper process. If they are not capable of conforming to proper process, they are in the wrong business. They need to find their life�s work. * You�re correct. Conductive flooring moves your wrist strap-testing problem to a heel strap-testing problem, increases your cost, and doesn�t perform very well for seated workers.

As a solution consider: * Installing multiple wrist/heel strap testers. * Using a constant monitor on your wrist straps. * Scheduling strap testing to reduce traffic jams at the tester.

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