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Why AOI. Features one should look while considering AOI



Why AOI. Features one should look while considering AOI | 2 July, 2004


This is RS.

I need the frank opinion from all the users / suppliers of AOI without being biased.

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Why AOI. Features one should look while considering AOI | 6 July, 2004

Quality, consistency and labor savings all wrapped up into one nicely packaged piece of electro-mechanical marvel called AOI. Look for the number of templates one can store per component, lighting options, can it do through hole? Look at reporting capabilities and ease of programming. Can the unit be "backed up" if your inspector quickly mis-codes an error?

GREAT machines when used properly, but they do not replace the need for looking over the work!

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Why AOI. Features one should look while considering AOI | 7 July, 2004

Hello Mr Pete


Is there any comparative analysis available with someone for AOI system available (i.e. Landrex Optima 7300, TRI TR7100, Agilent SJ 50 Series II, Omron WIN II and Shindenshi ESV 303 DA). Some of these are Sngle camera AOIs and some are multiple.

PLease post me is any details available will help me a lot.

Thanks & Regards

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Why AOI. Features one should look while considering AOI | 6 August, 2004

May I ask you to, whether your have taken any decision i.e. either for an Omron VT-Win II or an Optima 7300?

thank you for your replay

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Why AOI. Features one should look while considering AOI | 7 August, 2004

Why not.. You are always welcome.

Firstly what I feel multicamera system (Top and Angled) AOI is always better than single Top camera system in terms of defect coverage. Secondly read On the fly inspection is much better than STOP and Go techniques.

Optima 7300 is a multicamera (1Top and 4Angled) system with read on the fly inspection is surely going to be better than Omron Win II.

There is another company called TRI and the model TR-7100EP is also a multicamera system (1top and 4angled) with read on the fly inspection. This system is more flexible than Optima.

This is purely my opinion about these systems based on the information available on the internet and brochure.

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Why AOI. Features one should look while considering AOI | 10 August, 2004


It seems you've been doing your homework. However, the real question is what do you need to do with AOI?

1) What is your minimum cycle time? This would help you to determine the speed you need and whether "scan on the fly" is warranted. Also, a scanning type system will have a difficult time providing high resolution as well as high throughput.

2) What is your maximum PCB size? In otherwords, why spend the money on a system with a large inspection area, if your largest assembly will never be greater than 10" x 12"?

3) What are the smallest components you plan to inspect? If your company has no plans to using 0201s, then why spend the money for AOI that will reliably inspect 0201s?

4) Are you using J-leaded parts? AOI with side mounted cameras are nice, but more cameras can lead to more variation in inspection results (false call and escapes) and more programming, as well as add to the cost. Of course, a single, downward-looking camera system will not be able to inspect a j-lead solder fillet, but with flexible lighting and sound algorithms, even slightly lifted gull-wing leads and lifted/tipped discreets can be caught with single, downward looking camera.

5) Are you building mixed technology (SMT and Thru hole) assemblies? Will you want to be able to read color codes on axial resistors? If so, color inspection will be important.

6) Do you need to have the system in-line? Off-line AOI systems can be found starting at $50K. High-speed systems that can be used both in-line and off-line start at ~$90K.

7) How much progamming time can you afford? Of course, many AOI companies tout the ability to use all types of CAD and Gerber data, but in most cases it's not without some editing. There are some AOI systems that use the same data you need to provide to your SMT mounting machines and nothing more. That can save a lot of extra programming work.

Of course, you may need a large format, high-speed, high-resolution multi-camera AOI system. Then again, there's no reason to use a $200K+ AOI "shotgun" to kill a "fly" of an inspection problem.

I would suggest putting togther a list of your requirements and sharing it with AOI vendors. It shouldn't take you long to weed through the 50+ options on the market and come up with a short list of equipment that will suit your needs.

Good luck,


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