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Acceptable level of defects for Wave Soldering



Acceptable level of defects for Wave Soldering | 15 September, 2004

Hi Everybody,

Can enybody tell me what is acceptable level of defects for Wave soldering?I know that it's depends of many factors,but I want to benchmark my process.

Thank you

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Acceptable level of defects for Wave Soldering | 15 September, 2004

zero- strive for no post wave "touch-up"

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Acceptable level of defects for Wave Soldering | 15 September, 2004

Hi John,

It depends on what equipment and resources you have at your disposal - if you have an antique wave with crap adjustment & hand sprayed flux, no debridging/air knife system on a tightly packed board with a multitude of fine pitch connectors in every orientation, & a design department run by Laurel & Hardy then you're going to expect more fallout than a diplomatic mission to Chernobyl led by Prince Phillip.

Whereas if you have the latest $200K system with every conceivable toy, custom made pallets, and God's gift to engineering running it you can justifyably get miffed at anything more than the occaisional touch up.



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Acceptable level of defects for Wave Soldering | 15 September, 2004



Acceptable level of defects for Wave Soldering | 15 September, 2004

Im with Pete, Zero defects. We have high defect rate for many reasons. No line tech, operators set up and run then when QA reports defects engneers are called. Not to make people mad but our process engneers are lacking practical experance to fix problems. Each setup may require diferant mechanical settings for diferant products. Back plane and side dams need to be adjusted specfically for products run on pallets diferant from product run without. There is a cal-plate made from pirex glass that should be used when changing from one product to another. The solders movement in the wave is critical at the point when the wave and the board seperate. If solder dose not drop away from PCB at the same rate board is moving then bridging will occure. If 2 inches of solder contact with board is not maintained then low penitration may occure. Now we are talking about a diferant things that need to be concidered. Zone temps / ramp temp, soak time, solder contact time, belt speed, mechanical settings of back plane, solder movement across wave, ectra, ectra. If done correctly zero defects (impossable) can be obtained.

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Acceptable level of defects for Wave Soldering | 28 September, 2004

In obtaining almost zero defect in solder wave. I would like to suggest the following:

First,We must consider changing machine if it is more than 5 years old.

second, use the right tools for the right job. Most of the traditional engineers will use traditional instrument or tools in getting the optimize settings like high temp glass,carpenters rule,metal ruler,fax paper etc.These things are thing of the past. We suggest use a solder wave optimizer!

third, train your people well.Well trained engineers and operators will contribute to a realistic zero defects.


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Acceptable level of defects for Wave Soldering | 28 September, 2004

Grayman: How does a "solder wave optimizer" replace fax paper to indicate flux penetration of PTH?

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Acceptable level of defects for Wave Soldering | 28 September, 2004

"The optimizer has FLUX DISTRIBUTION WINDOW it measures - the amount of flux applied. -Identify uneven distribution of your flux. The FLUX DISTRIBUTION WINDOW permits you to obtain information about your fluxer's performance and repeatability each time you run your Optimizer. Your FLUX DISTRIBUTION WINDOW will not touch your wave, and so the flux will not be burned off of it as it goes through your wave machine. You will benefit from the information on your fluxer performance at the same time you view your Optimizer's board-wave and temperature data. All information will be gathered in a single run through your wave machine".

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