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Thermal Profilers

Views: 4331



Thermal Profilers | 21 February, 2006

Comparing KIC and ECD Gold mole profilers, which one is easier to buy batteries for? and why?

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Thermal Profilers | 21 February, 2006


Our SlimKIC 2000 uses a standard 9V PP3 battery, so as long as you're not adverse to parting with around a $1 it's no problem.



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Thermal Profilers | 21 February, 2006

KIC uses standard Alkaline 9V batteries. They're hard to find in Riyadh, but in America, you can basically buy them at the gas station.

Both are very good profilers and come with good software. My decision is based on which salesman will take me golfing.

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Thermal Profilers | 21 February, 2006

The SuperMole Gold uses a proprietary rechargeable Ni-MH battery design and while it's a nice unit and I'd love to have one now, I wouldn't want to have to replace the battery. In other words, it's going to cost you.

FTR, the last one I used was roughly 6 years old and was on the original battery. It's not like they wear out regularly.

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Thermal Profilers | 22 February, 2006

A bit of a handyman can open the mole's batterypack and solder in some new batteries, so dont let the batterypack be a big factor in a comparison.

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Thermal Profilers | 22 February, 2006

I just got in my SlimKIC 2000 unit and ran my first profile a few minutes ago. The RF feature is pretty nice on this model. KIC software is very good and as mentioned above it uses regular 9V batteries.

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Thermal Profiler Batteries | 2 March, 2006

The initial cost of the battery is similar to saying the size of an iceberg is measured only by what shows above the waterline. There is a lot more to it than at first blush.

The ECD Power Pack costs $245, but provides over 3500 hours of profiling. It would take 233 9V batteries at a total cost of $699 to provide 3500 hours of profiling time!

Beyond the life cost of the batteries, here are some other considerations:

� The ECD Power Pack is charged extremely easily and quickly. � Disposing of one ECD power pack is more environmentally friendly than disposing of multiple 9 volt batteries. � The ECD Power Pack comes with the ECD profiler. There is not an additional charge for it. This is important when considering the overall cost comparison. � The ECD power pack is rated at a higher temperature than the KIC battery. A 9 volt battery is only rated to 54C, which begs the question of whether it will hold up consistently in the process temperatures needed. The ECD SuperM.O.L.E. Gold profiler is driven by an industrial strength power pack designed to withstand the heat environment of automated soldering machines and other industrial ovens.

Just some things to consider when comparing ECD batteries wtih KIC.

S. Philips Vice President, ECD

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Thermal Profiler Batteries | 3 March, 2006

Alternatively you could treat yourself to a $10 NiMH PP3 9V battery & $15 charger for your Kic and also engage in some weekend tree hugging.

Both utilising the same chemistry, they should have a comparable number of charge approximately 1/10 of the cost.

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Wave Master Larry


Thermal Profiler Batteries | 3 March, 2006

WELL if that isnt a sales pitch I dont know what that was.At my place of employment the engineering department tried to make us use this gizmo for our waveprocess and managment was made to beleive that this was the cure all for our shorts and skips.WELL that didnt work and thiers no sub-stitute for 12 years of expereince .Last I herd the gizmo was broken but not sure if was related to the batteries.the engineerng department is trying to fix the thing

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Thermal Profiler Batteries | 3 March, 2006

I have used KIC data acquisition equipment for over 11 years. Slim kic, sideKic and Kic2000, prophet etc...

The 9 volt battry changes in seconds. Gimme a break. The internals don't reach 54Celsius. If it came down to batteries, I bet KIC would throw in a case of batteries.

I'm sure ECD makes a wonderul product. But, lets be honest here. Did ECD develop new battery technologies or are they adapting existing technologies?

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Thermal Profiler Batteries | 4 March, 2006


I agree, we have a KIC and have run hundreds of profiles and are still running the original battery and have never had a problem.

The software is what matters with profilers I think, and the KIC has really good software that shows you a process percentage as a final result, and it seems to work really well. We also use the prediction software that gives you a best guess temps, and that always gives fast results that are much faster.

Not sure if the other ones have features like that as I have not used them, but I don't consider the battery to be an important issue when selecting a profiler.



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Thermal Profiler Batteries | 4 March, 2006

Wavemaster Larry must be new to the forum. What a nut! Sounds like a dude who needs to get his internet access taken away. In Riyadh, Larry, you'd get your arms sawed off for those comments!

Grant is right. Hardware-wise, all thermal profilers are basically the same. MOLE's got good software as well. I used MOLE software back when it was DOS-based. KIC's prediction is more accurate though. The only minor thing I don't like with the new KIC2000 is that you have to physically launch the software and type in all your info. about your profile BEFORE you do a profile. I like the old system where you'd just overwrite the old profile with a new one. That way, you can do a profile from anywhere in the plant and then go to your PC to download. Good for the "floor guy" who is always on the move.

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Thermal Profiler Batteries | 4 March, 2006

Evidently it takes more than 12 years of experience to get that a profiler can't modify your wave machine settings for you.


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Thermal Profiler Batteries | 5 March, 2006

ha good one!

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Thermal Profiler Batteries | 6 March, 2006

Hi Ken,

You're right - they're not doing anything smart, they are just using a rechargable battery pack. It's not even the latest or most suitable technology for the application (Li-ion has far better temperature characteristics & far high capacity).


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Thermal Profiler Batteries | 7 March, 2006

One difference with ECD from a hardware standpoint is that the M.O.L.E. installs into the OvenRIDER, WaveRIDER and ReworkRIDER products for solder machine process control. You get the same software too. Competitive systems I believe require more hardware (control) purchases for rider type products and may or may not use the same software.

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