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TP9-2U questions

Views: 2540


TP9-2U questions | 30 July, 2006

Hallo everybody,

First of all I want to say that I�m verty impressed about the quality of this forum. I found it a couple of days before and it was already helpful for me. Thanks a lot to all of the editors and posters.

I just started with smd and got an 87�TP9-2U from a closed company and unfortunaly with a few problems. The TP9-2U is equipped with Venix 3.2.4 and TPSYS 1.5.18. I can run the service program and everything is working include the feeders but when I start up TPSYS then I get some messages "possible file size error I=...." and I can�t move anything anymore. I guess that the hardware is ok cause I can move everything with the service program after loading the motordrivers. Is it right? In this case I only need to get a new or old TPSYS software and the machine will work.

Is it possible to get a copy from the old VENIX software include TPSYS anywhere? I contacted the distributor here in Germany and he told that only the new linux based software is available and I have to change the whole computerbox for the new software. This would cost me 12000,- Euro. Not bad for this old machine...

My next question is about the MOT1 and MOT2 differences. I have a MOT2 card in the Y-slot but I also have a MOT1 card as spare. What card is recommended?

About the led on the motcards: What are they indicate? I haven�t found infos about it in the docu.

Thank you very much in advance. Axel Joost

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TP9-2U questions | 30 July, 2006


It's hard to tell what exactly is wrong, as I personally never used the older software only the Linix based version of the machine we had. In fact when we got out machine, it was ex demo, and the sales guy said we really needed to get it changed to Linix at the time, as the Linix was new then, and would be better supported by software updates. That was good advice looking back!

I think, even though it's more expensive, it might be a good idea for you to upgrade the machine to Linix. Your going to get the problem fixed, and at the same time form a relationship with your local MYDATA distributor, so they will be able to support you better. Plus they will know how to use the software, because it will be the latest version. They might not even know or remember some of the errors you will see on the old version.

As far as I know an 87 machine should be upgradable, and run the latest software released, so your machine will run the same as one purchased recently. That's one of the nice things about getting started with a MYDATA, as even an old machine becomes like new.

It might also be a good idea to get the local distributor to check the machine out, to see if you can get some kind of budget for an upgrade, and any other issues the machine might have. It would be bad to spend all the money, and then have other issues with the machine, where you need to keep spending.

They should be able to check it out, and give you a fair evaluation if the machine will work after the upgrade, or if there are other items that need to be replaced. The main driver belt, and placement head connecting cables sometimes need to be replaced after a certain hours operating time, so that's important to look at, plus what other placement tools do you need, and does the placement head work ok. Vacuum generators etc?

Was the machine working when you purchased it? If so, that's a good sign.

Good luck, and your on the right path, if you can get the machine working. There are a lot of really good MYDATA engineers around, so you might also find someone who you can hire to come in and sort out the problems.


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TP9-2U questions | 31 July, 2006

My opinion................

If you want to stay with MyData, scrap the old TP9 (many things have changed with MyData machines since 1987, OS, software, hardware, etc), get a rebuilt one from MyData (they will NOT take your old one for credit), comes with a warranty (you probably will need it).

Paul M.

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TP9-2U questions | 1 August, 2006

Hallo Paul,

...I was too fast with my writing and haven�t check it before posting. The machine is from 97�.

I already contacted the local Mydata dealer here in Germany. They will send an engineer for checking the machine and let me know what I need to spend for it.

Best regards Axel

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