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APEX Venue!!

Views: 5757

Who is going to APEX? Why did the "top brass" of APEX choos... - Jan 18, 2007 by

Hugh G. Rexshun, Harvard 6-sigma Black Belt, MBA, PhD


APEX Venue!! | 18 January, 2007

Who is going to APEX? Why did the "top brass" of APEX choose traffic congested, smog-polluted, gang infested, LA as its venue?

I've spoken to many of my collegues, and many aren't going because of this.

I like their website is posting the "phony testimonials" of how great LA is... a real-life testimony would read like this:

"During APEX, I got shot in L.A. But some how the bullets didn't hurt as much as they do baack home. I definately will be back next year!"

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APEX Venue!! | 18 January, 2007

LOL! I hear ya. I need to go, but really can't bring myself to do so.

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APEX Venue!! | 18 January, 2007

Pretty tough to top breakfast at the marina in San Diego.

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APEX Venue!! | 18 January, 2007

If the show would of been in san diego again this year im sure we would of had 3 or 4 guys go but since its in L. A. nobody is going from our shop. I heard if you turn the wrong way leafing the show it gets bad real quick

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APEX Venue!! | 22 January, 2007


Need i say more??

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APEX Venue!! | 22 January, 2007

Cal, I booked my room at the MGM in vegas today :)) Flight to LA round trip from vegas was only $103 :))

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APEX Venue!! | 24 January, 2007

Harah's on the strip is $59

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APEX Venue!! | 24 January, 2007

It wasn't IPC's choice. They were kicked out of Anaheim because it takes too long to set up and dismantle the APEX show. At least that was the story going around last year at this time.

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APEX Venue!! | 25 January, 2007

Well, at least we will get free parking this time... George

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APEX Venue!! | 25 January, 2007

I heard the same rumors about why they were kicked out of Anaheim: the hotels complaining not enough rooms were being rented and the center complaining that they loose 2 weekends for a 3-day mid-week show.

But that is no excuse to put it in LA.

San Diego or back to Long Beach would have been preferable.

Vegas or Phoenix would be nice, too.

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Harden Long


APEX Venue!! | 25 January, 2007


You know it ain't all that bad. Sure it's not as nice as 'Hyme or Diego, but the thrill of running to the taxi's outside the convention center will be a blast.

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Hugh G. Rexshun


APEX Venue!! | 23 February, 2007


APEX Venue!! | 23 February, 2007

Good article. I like the sentence that said:

Another comment was that the people making complaints are the ones who "complain all the time."

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APEX Venue!! | 23 February, 2007

Haha, After reading the article I was just thinking about this comment...

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APEX Venue!! | 23 February, 2007

BTW, anybody from this forum visit the event? Could be nice to learn a little non objective from it...

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Wave Master Larry , soltec college graduate and consultant


APEX Venue!! | 23 February, 2007

MIka i just got back from their on a consulting basis. yeah,i had hwang, Zarrow, a Phd chemist from Henkel and others asking my advice on all matters wave related.u can email me at . perhaps we can meat in person over drinks and maybe diner. .

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APEX Venue!! | 23 February, 2007

Got back last night. Show was good, not to crowded ;) , parking was easy and close. I�ve been going for the last 10 years, and I liked the inside layout, very easy to get around in. A little hard to find the place if you haven�t been there before, but the area didn�t seem to bad. Tuesday night�s party at the science center was awesome!

All and all a pretty great show.

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APEX Venue!! | 23 February, 2007

Hi Wave Master Larry, I would be delighted to share a couple of goblets with you... Not to mention a good meal. Unfortunately I live in Sweden and I presume You are at least 6 hr:s away... But Thanks anyway. /Sincerely

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APEX Venue!! | 24 February, 2007

Hello there, Leisure Suit Larry Had a good time at the APEX Venue?

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Wave Master Larry


APEX Venue!! | 26 February, 2007

Mika Ill be in your neck of the woods around mid march. i'll be consulting with Nokia.i'll email you around that time.I look forward to sharin a gobble and drink

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Bjorn Borko


APEX Venue!! | 26 February, 2007

I Am Borko.

I too interested in this. Let us make 3 way.

I am Borko

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APEX Venue!! | 27 February, 2007

Hi Hugh,

You can call me leisure suits if ya want too- i kind a like it! Yes the show was great I saw alot of good stuff. I didn't know there were seminars that i probably should have attended. Even I could learn a thing or to. Someone also told me they are looking for volunteers to teach these seminars. I believe I''ll look into that as well. Not sure witch one i'll teach, but I have a year or so till the next one next year to give.

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APEX Venue!! | 1 March, 2007


I atteneded the show as a supplier. Been to many over the years.

All in all it was not too bad. The show layout was a bit differnt and not in exact grids as in past that made walking the show a bit interesting. They had buses running from the near hotels to the venue that seemed to work out most of the time but with looong delays during peak periods.

The biggest downfall was the surrounding area, not crime or anything like that, just difficult to find a good place to eat at a good price. On weekends almost everything is shut down since they are supported by the weekday business.

In LA for next three years and then on to San Diego (Yeah!!!). Correct on statment above, kicked out of the 'Heim since it takes two weekends to setup / breakdown. San Diego was booked until 2011 (one of the busiest convention centers in the states). Vegas??? Would be nice but.... would you show up to the booth in the morning??? :)

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APEX Venue!! | 1 March, 2007

I'm having a difficult time understanding the need anymore for a West Coast show going forward. Other than tradition, let's face it.....there is much more going on in the midwest these days.

All and all....I don't see much of a future in Southern Cal. for an IPC sponsored show.

Will be interesting to see if APEX can survive long enough to make it back to San Diego.

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APEX Venue!! | 6 March, 2007

Hmmmm, Chicago in February or southern Cal? If I'm getting on a plane anyway I'll go the extra few hours. The show was actually very good for us. We don't look at overall show attendance we look at number of quality leads (which there were many). The fact that some people may have stayed away is fine with me as this more or less prequalifies the attendees. If they didn't come then they ain't lookin' and I don't have to try and remain patient when they ask "what's that thing do"? BTW APEX is booked for LA for the next 3 years. It will be interesting to see what transformation LA can make in a years time.

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Fat Angry Engineer


APEX Venue!! | 6 March, 2007

Transformations?? Hmmm...where do we begin.

* Traffic Congestion will go up by 10% * Murder rate will go up by 25% * Drug Trafficking will increase by 5% * Prostitution will increase by 2% * Brush fires will increase by 33% * Smog will increase by 50% * Illegal Alien population will go up by 130%

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APEX Venue!! | 6 March, 2007

Hi Fatty,

Sounds like my kind of people. How do I sign up early?

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APEX Venue!! | 6 March, 2007

No kidding...and if you can guarantee the prostitution rate would increase by a factor of 10% instead of 2%......more equipment brokers would attend.

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APEX Venue!! | 6 March, 2007 let's say it's in Chicago in May and the "quality leads" you encountered become twice as many. What would you say then?

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APEX Venue!! | 7 March, 2007

Chicago already has a show, ATE, but I have never been to it, so I don't know anything about it.

It is my understanding that it is much smaller than APEX, and has much smaller attendance.

So is it smaller in size because of the lower attandence, or is the smaller size keeping the attendance low?

Are the smaller shows: ATE, Nepcon East, etc., that are spreadout throughout the country and calender year worth keeping around? Or should we have a single huge Productronica-type show for the whole country once a year?

There will always be a companies that prefer going to their local (regional) show instead of traveling across the country.

APEX is west, ATE is mid, Nepcon East is east. Is there still Nepcon Texas? I also heard rumors of a new IPC show for the midwest, but will be in Orlando for now. Each of the main regions of the country has a show already.

So which show should be the big show?

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Michael Konrad


APEX Venue!! | 7 March, 2007

I know Los Angeles was not a favorite destination for many visitors but some facts remain clear:

APEX Southern California featured 446 exhibitors in 161,400 square feet of exhibition hall.

APEX Southern California had a total of 5,087 verified attendees visit the show.

916 individuals participated in technical development conferences, 874 individuals participated in the technical conference, and 99 senior level executives participated in the exclusive management meetings.

Los Angeles is defiantly not the most desirable venue but the show remained strong. Southern California has been the largest gathering point in North America for electronic assembly, test, component, consumable, and other products associated with our industry.

As for a show in the Midwest, there are two. Assembly Technology will continue their show in Chicago September 25 � 27 and IPC will debut their new Midwest Conference and Exhibition at the Schaumburg Exhibition Hall (near Chicago) September 26 � 28. IPC reports that there will be 150 exhibitors in 25,000 square feet of exhibition floor. Juki, Universal, Panasonic, Mydata, Fuji, Assembleon are among the confirmed exhibitors at this new show.

Another new show was announced by SMTA. SMTA International in Orlando Florida will take place October 7 � 11. Assembleon, Juki, Universal, Mydata, are among the 120 (to date) confirmed exhibitors.

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APEX Venue!! | 9 March, 2007

Thanks, Michael, this proves my point. There are already shows everywhere, so if you don't want to fly to LA and get "shot at", by all means, go to your local show.

If enough people stop going to APEX (SoCal) then the other shows will gladly take up the slack. It would be interesting to see the ATE/IPC show battle for attandence on the same dates. I think ATE will not be around much longer.

I had a swell time in LA. The area was much like any other city's downtown area. If you are not a "downtown" fan, then San Diego or back to Disney would be better. I am not a crowded downtown fan, so I can't wait until it moves again.

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