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SMT Text Book

Views: 3527


SMT Text Book | 17 October, 2008

Does anyone know where I can buy text book for SMT soldering process. If it will be available on-line it would be easier for me to order. Thanks... Bong

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SMT Text Book | 18 October, 2008

Our friend Bob Willis does a good job of reviewing books. Check his site. Here's another list

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SMT Text Book | 18 October, 2008

thanks a lot... this a lot list.. bong

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SMT Text Book | 20 October, 2008

Cool name! Bong. You must be from the Philippines.

The book that I grew up on as a kid right out of college who never saw a wave solder machine in his life was this one: "The Handbook of Machine Soldering" by Ralph W. Woodgate

This book does a great job explaining the principles and theory of soldering (although geared more toward wave-soldering).

I have read and referred to this one alot.

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SMT Text Book | 20 October, 2008

You're correct CK.

Additionally, Ralph Woodgate gave inspirational lectures on wave soldering. For years, he was on the SMTA lecture tour. He had a real talent for explaining the solder process. He'd be talking blablabla and DING ... you'd remember a a problem that you would like to have done a better job of sorting through, but the match was burning your fingers [figuratively speaking ... it's a no smoking area] and you just had to make do. And then, you'd wish you'd attended his lecture the previous time when he came through on tour.

Here's a list of some of his books

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SMT Text Book | 21 October, 2008

Hi CK / Dave, Thanks for the book. I'll try to get one for this. Hope this will help a lot.

CK, you're right I'm from Philippines but I'm based now here in Beijing.

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SMT Text Book | 21 October, 2008


How's the business in the Philippines? I hear it's a new hot spot for Electronics Manufacturing Services.

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SMT Text Book | 21 October, 2008

That's right! show those white devils a thing or 2.

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SMT Text Book | 22 October, 2008

CK, I think electronic industry in Phils is still the same. What I hear is Vietnam or India are the target of the investors for electronic / semicon assembly.

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