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QUAD 4C Laser problem

Views: 3742


QUAD 4C Laser problem | 5 September, 2013

Hi: Our machine (QUAD 4C) has a CyberOptics laser 6604033; when initialize at HOME, z-rod descends and doesn't retracts, which makes me think that the laser is misaligned, here's a link to the video recording:

(Head at HOME after power on, then I pressed Reset)

Is that the problem? Can I correct it? Thanks.

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QUAD 4C Laser problem | 6 September, 2013

Mod code 69 in early firmware versions was laser align part size addition but in later versions is was laser intensity.....if its set to 0 try it at 250 and see what it does....if this doesnt work....set it back to 0. It seems that when you put something in front of the window with your hands it sees it and it seems something is mis-aligned. If its mis-aligned i have no procedure or way of aligning it. I would try to purchase another unit from somewhere.

good luck

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QUAD 4C Laser problem | 6 September, 2013

Hi bobpan! MOD CODE 69 is "Waffle Tray Handler Installed Flag" and default setting 0. That's what mode code quick reference table says (the reference table that I've to respect according to the previous owner). And it's different what manual says (MOD CODE 69 "Quadalign part size subtraction, with default 0) The same quick table indicates:

MOD CODE 64 Laser align debug display (default 0) MOD CODE 67 Laser align calibration angle (1500) MOD CODE 71 Laser align part size addition (0)

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QUAD 4C Laser problem | 6 September, 2013

Use the hht and do a function 6.....this will tell you the version of firmware that the machine is running and then you will know which mod code list to go from.

good luck

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QUAD 4C Laser problem | 6 September, 2013

Yes; I do it IVC V 2.07 1994 Quad SystemP SECS 2 SRX 1.64-6E

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QUAD 4C Laser problem | 6 September, 2013

I dont have a list for anything that old. The oldest i have is version 2.10. Check to see if the mod code list that you have says what version it is.....usually its on the top of the document

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QUAD 4C Laser problem | 6 September, 2013

the list doesn't include anything :-(

What information should I find? what is referred to laser MODs are 64, 67 and 71, I can you mention some other

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QUAD 4C Laser problem | 6 September, 2013

Your firmware is so old that the problem is not in the mod codes anyways. You have a problem with the cyberoptics head. If its not working at all, i would remove the lens assy on the front side where the cable plugs in and blow out the unit. Maybe if your lucky their is dirt in the unit causing the problem. You should only do this as a last resort.

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QUAD 4C Laser problem | 6 September, 2013

OK my friend, thank again! so... get to work!!! laser+dispenser!!! very good challenge! ;-) Have a nice weekend!

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QUAD 4C Laser problem | 12 September, 2013

Jorge: Nosotros tenemos una óptica 0KM embalada perteneciente a Martín. Se la dio a Bruno cuando palmó la nuestra, sin embargo el equipo nuestro tiene el otro modelo. Si querés pasala a buscar y la probás. Estoy seguro que es la solución al problema, por lo que veo el Sr. Bob (que es una eminencia en el tema) es de la misma opinión. La pieza por parte nuestra, y con la anuencia de Bruno, está a tu disposición. Si te sirve la negociás con M.G. (a nosotros nos la cotizó tres lucas verdes). Llamá cuando quieras. Marcelo

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QUAD 4C Laser problem | 24 September, 2013

Hi: I've disarmed the CyberOptics laser and I founded the problem. Protecting Infrared glass was cracked it inside. I've replaced it with a new one and solved the problem. Thank you very much for the help and hope that this post will be useful to someone in the future.

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