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Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design Forum

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J-STD-002 and -003 solderability testing...



J-STD-002 and -003 solderability testing... | 29 June, 2001

This is a question about complying with J-STD-001 solderability testing. Do any of you have your vendors certify that the components and PCB's that you buy from them comply with the solderabilty requirements spelled out in the -002 and -003, in lieu of performing the tests yourself? If so, does that drive the cost up on these items?

A couple more questions, how many of you actually comply strictly to the letter of J-STD-001? Do you test ALL of your components? QFP's, etc.? How about BGA's?

How do you comply with paragraph 5.4 "The manufacturer MUST ensure that all components, parts, leads, wiring, terminals, and printed boards that have met the requirements of 5.2 are solderable at the start of hand and/or machine soldering operations... Just curious...

-Steve Gregory-

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J-STD-002 and -003 solderability testing... | 30 June, 2001

Nice to have you back on SMTnet. Some of the newer folk have missed-out on the solid contributions you�ve made to the Forum. The chicken wire cleaning basket was a classic!!! [It�s a shame that the folk at SMTnet can�t recover those files.]

We buy the majority of our components through distribution. So in real life, we�re ecstatic when we receive parts. We�re double ecstatic when they have enough tape for a leader. We�re triple ecstatic � well, you get the picture. We use OA flux, in part, because we want to deal with fewer solderability issues.

We have polled the primary suppliers of many of our parts about solderability testing. They all monitor their assembly processes with their in-house version of "dip & look". Talk of passing J-002/003 through distribution to the component manufacturers is unrealistic for us.

We deal with ALL component issues, including solderability, on an exception basis. That is: If we have a problem, we fix it. If we don�t have a problem, we don�t mess with it. Testing the solderability of "all components, parts, leads, wiring, terminals, and printed boards" is not something that we presently do or intend to become involved with EXCEPT printed boards. As an element of our lot acceptance, we float and check the solderability of one board.

We have an active program to monitor the age of in-house components and materials that affect the quality of the product. [BIG deal, our MRP can print an inventory aging report based on receipt date. So, we can monitor or turns. And we manage shelf life. Sounded good though didn�t?]

We believe that checking the solderability of components at the start of the soldering processes, as stated in J-001, is an anachronistic hold-over from old style MIL specs and that a good looking solder connection is the proper measure of a process. As you imply, the establishment of a requirement for testing the solderability of each BGA and QFP before soldering indicates that a few people�s feet that are firmly planted someplace other than on the ground.

That being said, we appreciate the dedication and efforts of the folk that contribute their time and energy of the people involved in IPC standards making.

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