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Solder mask peel from traces, post wave solder. Etchant residue?

Views: 3649


Solder mask peel from traces, post wave solder. Etchant residue? | 4 June, 2014

Ok, I have an issue that is somewhat uniform in it's recurrence in that it keeps showing up on the same location on the board. The problem area is a group of traces on the exposed side, that keeps having solder mask peel occur. As you can see in the pictures, it would appear that there is some etchant residue underneath the solder mask.

My first notion would be to confirm (with you folks) if this is actually etchant residue or not, thusly bringing me closer to resolution. The second, should the first one fail, would be to ask if anyone has had any experience with something similar.

Some things to rule out: The wave solder fixture used to carry these boards is of no issue. It is made of composite material with no jagged surfaces or "heat-trapping pockets." The wave solder pot itself is within the allowable temp range.


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Solder mask peel from traces, post wave solder. Etchant residue? | 29 June, 2014


We had experienced very similar issue on boards of a certain PCB manufacturer. Field experiments showed that the solder mask of this manufacturer is prone to swelling and peeling after it was in contact with our water-based flux. When you switch to another flux the problem disappears. However we preferred to stay with the flux and reject the board manufacturer...

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Solder mask peel from traces, post wave solder. Etchant residue? | 4 July, 2014


We had the same problem but it turns out the problem is with the supplier we use a water base flux too, supplier change the solder mask and it work.


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Solder mask peel from traces, post wave solder. Etchant residue? | 10 July, 2014

VERY interesting. Thanks, folks. I will look into this.

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