Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design SMT Electronics Assembly Manufacturing Forum

Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design Forum

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0603 component drift


0603 component drift | 11 November, 1999

We are having a continuing problem with 0603 chip capacitors not centering themselves on the pads during the reflow process, causing an open condition at one end. Does anyone know what can be done to alleviate this? Thanks much.


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Re: 0603 component drift | 11 November, 1999

Gary: Sounds like the spacing between each pad for the component are too far apart. My 2�. Dave F

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Leland Woodall


Re: 0603 component drift | 20 June, 2000


We've experienced the same problem in the past, and found that moving the stencil apertures closer together solved the dilemma. This was a much easier solution than having to redesign the PWB.


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