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Topaz X error

Views: 1758

Does anyone have any info. on an "E869" error code on a Phil... - Feb 12, 2019 by JAtech  


Topaz X error | 12 February, 2019

Does anyone have any info. on an "E869" error code on a Phillips Topaz X SMT machine. Error screen shows

"Nozzle down limit sensor is off in A-table YV100X:N2323 YV100XT:n2223 Please check sensor and remove to the cause of this sensor being off. if you don't remove the cause, it is impossible to execute "Auto-Running"

i tried looking through our service manual and i cant find what the A-table is. Can anyone help us out?

Thanks in Advance.

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Topaz X error | 12 February, 2019

I haven't worked on a Topaz of any sort in over 10 years but I'm going to guess that even if you accessed that table, you would see a 0 someplace that you should be seeing a 1.

It sounds like *maybe* an input signal from that sensor is not reaching the controller and it's refusing to execute the program because of it.

Do you know where the sensor is, and if so do you have any indication that the sensor is properly connected and working? Could there be an input card that's malfunctioning?

My apologies if this response is too may know 10X what I do about those machines. If so, I'll just back slowly away. ;)

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Topaz X error | 12 February, 2019

Your response is helpful to a point. But unfortunately i can not confirm where the sensor is as i do not know what the A-table is. But i have checked sensors that i know of and one was not giving off a signal and fixed that issue. But now i am experiencing the error "E222" that code is in our manual but isn't very clear as to what action to take place.

I've only been working on these machines for about 3 years now and this is the first time we have experienced these issues, and we also haven't had much training due to lack of resources for troubleshooting. So any help or advice is much appreciated.

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Topaz X error | 12 February, 2019

Do you have a service manual? There is a description of how to check and CALIBRATE the nozzle sensors (section "Placement Head").

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Topaz X error | 12 February, 2019

Yes we do. I've done the R-axis sensor calibration multiple times in the past few weeks due to FNC Nozzle sensor errors, as well as R-axis errors. Do you suggest i go through the entire process of the Head Assembly Calibration? From section 15-1 thru 15-48?

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Topaz X error | 12 February, 2019

Someone with some more definitive knowledge of these machines will no doubt chime in at some point, but my thought was that the "A-table" is just a data table that stores I/O information. Thus, being "off in A-table YV100X:N2323 YV100XT:n2223" just means there's a 0 in that table that indicates the sensor isn't providing any input.

The sensor is on the head somewhere (presumably) and tells the controller that the nozzle has reached it's down position when triggered. Can you safely position the gantry somewhere and manually fire the nozzles? I would expect a sensor to light up (and trip a bit somewhere in the I/O table) when the nozzle reaches it's down position when you do that.

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Topaz X error | 12 February, 2019

Yes, I just try to suggest - I do not know the section, I have Emerald-X - a service manual for it. Topaz-X just bought and has not yet arrived;)

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Topaz X error | 12 February, 2019

We executed that in IO screen all heads went down, N2323 sensor remained 0. And we cannot find N2223 sensor in the I/O screen. So now we are unsure of the issue but we are searching our manual in the "Placement Head" section hoping to come out with a solution. our next step is to try a full calibration of the head assembly if we can not find any indication of the N2223 sensor.

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Topaz X error | 12 February, 2019

if you want I have a service manual for Topaz-Xii - there is a new nozzle calibration program, but there are drawings with the placement of sensors.

PS - see last entry

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Topaz X error | 13 February, 2019

My recollection is fuzzy, but don't the heads go down first, then the nozzle?

If that's true, did you fire the heads only or both the heads and the nozzles?

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Topaz X error | 13 February, 2019

The heads attach to the nozzles, or vise versa, so both. At least that's what it seems to look like. Still having issues keeping the R-axis sensor in calibration this makes third day in a row of re calibrating them.

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Topaz X error | 13 February, 2019

What is the R axis? Is that the nozzle?

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Topaz X error | 13 February, 2019

R axis is the rotation of the heads. 180 degrees and -180. The sensors tell the machine when the heads are switched correctly on the flying nozzles and the correct rotation. also i think they involve the clutch as well. After i make an adjustment to the sensors they just do not seem to stay in the same area i set them in. I just didn't know if there was something i'm not doing correctly to keep them in place.

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Topaz X error | 13 February, 2019

I'm trying to visualize how that machine is laid out. Do they all rotate together, on a belt, so that there's only one sensor for the theta (R) home position?

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Topaz X error | 13 February, 2019

They all rotate on the same belt but, 2 per head on heads 2, 4, 6, and 8. Placed on the front and back. Held by a bracket with 2 screws. But no matter how tight I set the screws upon adjustment they still get out of whack.

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Topaz X error | 14 February, 2019

Can you take a picture of the front and back sensors? That might help me understand the situation. I wish I still had the visual images stored from 11 years ago but that ship has sailed!

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Topaz X error | 10 May, 2019

A Table is something that you can ignore right now. It is significant only in case of dual table machines such as Sapphire or Sapphire-X which have A and B tables (two independent PCBs being handled at the same time). In case of Topaz or Topaz X or Emerald etc... A Table is the only table on the machine.

N2323 is the nozzle down "SAFETY" sensor which prevents any movement of the head assembly in case nozzle is down, and hence UNSAFE.

If you look at the top of the head assembly where you can see a bunch of cables together, you'll see a small green piece with an adjustable potentiometer. This is the amplifier for sensor N2323. Just try to increase it slowly while looking at the I/O monitor, Input section, sensor N2323. The value should change to normal once the setting is ok.

However, I must point out, the actual problem. On the head assembly, you have a small sensor and a small transmitter on the left and right sides of the head assembly respectively. The sensor sends light beam through 3 holes in the body of the head assembly. I have seen dust in these holes as the most likely cause. You can gently clean the holes with a small bristle and blow air into the holes. Be careful not the damage the sensor on the other side of the hole.

If you need more help, write to me at

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