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Vision settings for LED - JUKI KE3020

Views: 2132


Vision settings for LED - JUKI KE3020 | 2 October, 2019

Hello, I have a problem with settings vision for LED (similar to this one: on JUKI KE3020. The LED is mounted on the side. At the beginning I would like to say that laser recognition is impossible. Probably laser light is scattering by epoxy lens so diode is mounting incorrect. To increase accuracy I decided to use Vision. I tried to use a vision called "GNRL Vision". This type of Vision consists of several function of recognition. One of these function is corner recognition. After positive corner detection(attachment:, while optimalization the error occurs: Cannot perform vision centering with the specified data. (outer dimensions). I don't know what is wrong. Anyone have experience in this topic? Greetings

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Vision settings for LED - JUKI KE3020 | 2 October, 2019

First of all, General Vision for Juki is not easy to learn/understand, it would be the last option if other centering method fails; only advance Juki package programmer would want to play with General Vision. If possible, using laser recognition would still the 1st choice. Do you have the datasheet for the LED you are having an issue with?

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Vision settings for LED - JUKI KE3020 | 3 October, 2019

I have a problem with this diode:

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Vision settings for LED - JUKI KE3020 | 3 October, 2019

The reason I ask for datasheet is to make sure indeed the LED is to be mounted on the side. In this case, you can still try to use the laser, component type chooses "other", component shape chooses "flexible" or "flexible 2". Try "flexible" first as it tries to look for some straight edge first. Hope this helps you out.

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Vision settings for LED - JUKI KE3020 | 3 October, 2019

Thanks for reply. I'll try to check these settings. Greetings

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Vision settings for LED - JUKI KE3020 | 3 October, 2019


Let me see if our Juki applications team has some suggestions. Our general table based up-look vision will work also, but will be slower than in flight laser align.

Do you have a general email we can reply to with details and specifics on the procedure?


Bill President & CEO

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Vision settings for LED - JUKI KE3020 | 4 October, 2019

Try using the Flexible 3 General Vision Algo. The XY Width deviation amount is calculated by using the data close to the minimum width of the component. The theta angle is calculated by the inclination of one side, in X direction of the component.



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