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CircuitCam Report Error

Views: 5084


CircuitCam Report Error | 12 March, 2020

Hello Folks out there. I am having trouble in Circuitcam when I pull reports. After processing all the prep and engineering work when I try to save/export any of the manufacturing related report I see the error. The error says that, "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'General'."

Am I doing something wrong or is there anyway I can resolve this issue???

Or can someone show the best way to pull Documents or report from CircuitCam.

Thanks in advance for your help and I appreciate your support.

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CircuitCam Report Error | 13 March, 2020

This error is an error from an Access database table. SO could be a damaged database file, a locked file associated with administration priviledges, or maybe the file server isn't running or there has been a change of file server ID etc.


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| 13 October, 2020


CircuitCam Report Error | 16 October, 2020

Are you running Windows 7? If so, call them as there was some fix for Win7 on error like this.

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