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Unversal Advantis platform

Views: 9259

My company has a line with two GSM1 machines. We are plannin... - Feb 10, 2021 by Tom  



Universal Advantis platform | 10 February, 2021

My company has a line with two GSM1 machines. We are planning a second line and considering the Advantis AC-72 or AC-30 models but I have a few questions I was hoping someone could chime in on.

1. Are the GSM feeders capable of being used on the Advantis platform?

2. Are the lightning nozzles the same as FlexJet nozzles or are they different?

3. Is the lighting head reliable or a pain to work with? The appeal is high speed chip shooting in a small platform. This line is intended for a product with a lot of small LED chips.

Thanks in advantis.

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Unversal Advantis platform | 10 February, 2021

Hi Tom,

Spoke with our technical team and our feeder division tells me that the GSM Pneumatic feeders are not compatible with the Advantis Machines, however the Multi Pitch 24 Volt Feeders are.

We have a large customer base that uses the Advantis machines and historically once a line is running, they keep running. Pretty sturdy machines.

I am waiting on once answer back about the flex heads vs. lighting heads and will let you know as soon as we have some feedback from our techs.

If we can help you out with machines when your ready to buy, please let us know! - Kathy

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Unversal Advantis platform | 10 February, 2021

Hi Tom,

I work with Universal Instruments Corp in Illinois. Are you planning on buying used equipment or would you be interested in remanufactured UIC equipment that is completely rebuilt by UIC and comes with a warranty?

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Unversal Advantis platform | 11 February, 2021

We actually just moved to the Milwaukee area. We would consider that but I have a feeling it will be out of our budget at this point in time. I was offered an attractive price for an Advantis system which is why I am considering it. The AC-30 lightning chip shooter looks like a good fit but I'm really familiar with GSM flex and flexjet machines. We are fine with having visitors if you would like to stop in.

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Unversal Advantis platform | 11 February, 2021

Thanks, Kathy! I appreciate the information.

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Unversal Advantis platform | 11 February, 2021

Hi Tom,

Let me know your company name and I will give you a call. UIC can provide some assistance if needed.


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Unversal Advantis platform | 12 February, 2021

Hello Tom, We can help you as well. We have machines, parts, feeders, cal kits, accessories - just about anything for Universal. We also have a truckload of Advantis machines coming in next week. Please let me know if we can be of service to you. Best regards, Gregg Bartos

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Unversal Advantis platform | 13 February, 2021

I might answer some of your questions:

1 - in order to use old 24V feeders, Advantis needs 24V feeder kit installed. As far as I figured out, it's only 24V transformer and wiring, so I guess you can do it yourselves if the machine is not upgraded

2 - nozzles for FlexJet2 heads are different from Flexjet3 or Inline7 heads

3 - I do not have Lightning heads, but what I heard from a colleague, there are some limitations whih you should be aware of - parts must be lower than 6mm, no nozzle changes once the product placement starts and yes, they are completely different from FJ nozzles. Head itself seems to be pretty reliable, though.

Note that Advantis is single-gantry machine, as it uses both spindles to drive the beam, so GSM2 with two FJ heads might actually be faster.

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Unversal Advantis platform | 15 February, 2021

Hi Deni,

Thank you, that is very useful information. I believe with those limitations the lightning head will still be suitable for our application. The intent is for small chip shooting of LED panels. I get the feeling the lighting will be more reliable long term than FJ heads for this.

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Unversal Advantis platform | 18 February, 2021

I used to have Advantis lighting head more than 10years ago. My feedback is general for the machine. Machine was sturdy and well built. Head is humongous, but spindles are individually removable and easy to maintain and fix. Feeders should be intelligent electric to use the machine accuracy. Once you have it tweaked(was not so easy to do) and running, you can't stop this machine running all day long. I personally did not care about the software layout they had back then. It was old style with too many menus/sub-menus that you have to remember- in general not intuitive or user friendly. Now it might be different.

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Unversal Advantis platform | 19 February, 2021

Be worth running a trial of a sticky panel if you can before buying - your Flexjet gang picking 7 at the same time against a lighting head. If you're building panels of the same part or limited parts you may find it quicker.

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Unversal Advantis platform | 20 February, 2021

Thanks for the details. We are used to older gsm interfaces so I imagine the advantis updates will be an improvement for us.

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Unversal Advantis platform | 20 February, 2021

The plan for this machine is shooting thousands of mid power LED chips onto panels with one or two connector parts. From what I have seen watching video footage of the ac-30 vs ax-72, the ac-30 will be much faster for this chip shooting application. If it were for general placement I would be going inline head for sure. The plan is to setup this line to run led panels all day long while our gsm line runs all of our mixed part pcb's. Eventually we will replace our gsm's with ax-72 or similar.

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Unversal Advantis platform | 24 February, 2021

Tom, Go with AC-30 for LEDs. Stay away from Flexjet heads (AC72).

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Unversal Advantis platform | 25 February, 2021

Thanks for the feedback, Tushar.

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Unversal Advantis platform | 10 April, 2021

Thanks for all of the comments and information. We ended up going with the AC-30L. We ran our first sticky panel once it was installed this week. It is a very impressive machine. I think it will do well for us in this application. Hopefully it treats us as well as our GSM's which have been solid for years.

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Unversal Advantis platform | 22 April, 2021

Can you share with us actual placement rate, I am just curious...

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Unversal Advantis platform | 28 April, 2021

Hi Deni,

Sure, when we begin to run production I will let you know what we are able to achieve. We are planning to begin test production toward the end of the year and have several other processes to setup as well.

I have a feeling we might need another AC-30 line next year if things go well.

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Unversal Advantis platform | 28 April, 2021

Here is a video I shot of the machine running the first sticky panel. I programmed the fids in the wrong locations but forced it to run anyway so the pattern is skewed. It also ran low on air and stopped which is why it had to do a repair at the end.

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Unversal Advantis platform | 28 April, 2021

Hi Tom,

Only because I hate when it happens to me and no one says anything, the Youtube link is not working.

Happy to hear the AC-30 is working out for you. If you do end up needed another (so exciting to hear as well) please let us know, we would love to be of assistance.

_ LCI_Kathy

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Unversal Advantis platform | 14 February, 2022

Hi Tom, How is Advantis is working out for you?

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