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S25 Software booting error

Views: 2488


S25 Software booting error | 29 November, 2021

Our S25 is not booting up correctly. It is showing the 'software booting' status and will be stuck in that state. I checked the M/C pc and it is showing an SRBS SYSTEM HALTED error. Any ideas/help on this issue? Thanks

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S25 Software booting error | 29 November, 2021

Is it a running machine or a first startup?

For me, it seems to be some configuration error. For example problem with some card (iCos, MC, servo controller). At first check table and WPC connectors are fitted properly than check the status LEDs on your machine's card.

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S25 Software booting error | 29 November, 2021

Thanks for the message. Yeah the machine was about to start-up when the problem happens. I will try your suggestions. Thanks again.

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S25 Software booting error | 6 December, 2021


Did you check if you can ping between MC and SR?

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S25 Software booting error | 6 December, 2021

Hi victor, The power supply of the machine is giving us problems now, and so i cannot access anything at the moment. While working on the machine, the power on the machine suddenly started flickering and was causing the pc to shutdown as well. Have you encountered this problem before? We did try using a different input power port for the machine but the problem still happens. Any suggestions? Thanks

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S25 Software booting error | 6 December, 2021

Hi, you have flickering that affects all AC power in the machine (PC is also connected to the AC line (after step down transformer)), correct? Do you intermittently/randomly lose power in all machines units(MC/PS/Servo)? If I understood you correctly - you might have loose electrical contact. Please check all electrical connections from the electrical panel (including brakes or disconnects) to the machine's PS block- check if you have burned/loose terminals, measure power on the main switch before and after turning the machine ON. Cheers,


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S25 Software booting error | 6 December, 2021

Thanks victor, will go with your suggestions. By the way, would you happen to have some info on how to work the MC distributor? When i was working on the hard drive of the machine i was able to re install the MC software on a fresh harddrive, as i understand it, we still have to do the MC distributor. The MC distributor is always sending/communicating at a different ip address and its giving me an invalid ip address/name error. Is there any way to change the ip address on the MC distributor?

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S25 Software booting error | 6 December, 2021


Please send me your email I might have some instructions to share with you.



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S25 Software booting error | 6 December, 2021

make an IP address reservation for the MAC address of the machine on the DHCP server

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S25 Software booting error | 6 December, 2021

Thanks for the reply michal, are you able to give me instructions on how to do this? Sorry complete newbie when it comes to networks. Thanks

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S25 Software booting error | 7 December, 2021

Each network has a device (server, router, etc.) on which the DHCP server is running - it is different in each network, so I will not help you - ask the IT specialist in your company.

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