| | Does anyone know of any software programs that will verify a Pick & Place program to the Bill of Materials (BOM)? Verify meaning the Part # and Ref. Des. matching of the two files. | | We use GCPlace to merge our BOM with X/Y file | but ocasionally Ref. Des. are missing from the x/y file | file and aren't caught unless we manualy verify line | by line of the BOM. | | Thanks! | |
although this probably won't help you immediately......think about changing.
We use Mitron's system. They have a module entitled "CB Check" which performs this function.
In a past life, I was a UniCam user. They also perform a check within their software modules.....
If you're in a pinch, you might consider outsourcing the p&p program generation to either someone with either of these packages, or to the OEM themselves. Not a cheap way out, but certainly quick.
Best of Luck Scott
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