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Clean Solder paste


Clean Solder paste | 10 June, 2003


I need some info. about CLEAN (Resin) solder pastes (manufacturers & P/N), not water solouble not RMA.

Thanks Roni

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Clean Solder paste | 11 June, 2003

Please help us understand better what you seek. Is it: * Cleanable low residue solder paste * No-clean solder paste * Someother paste

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Clean Solder paste | 12 June, 2003

I need active solder paste to overcome solderability problems - I believe it have to be washed out, the issue is not the cleaning process only the paste (flux) activity level.

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Clean Solder paste | 13 June, 2003

What does your current paste supplier suggest?

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Clean Solder paste | 13 June, 2003

Why not a water soluble paste? They have very active flux.


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Clean Solder paste | 13 June, 2003

When you say "clean solder paste", do you mean not "no clean"? "clean solder paste" is not a common term and I for one do not understand what you mean by it. I believe you mean "water soluble" Commonly there is "no clean" and "water soluble". There are of course others but these are the common basic two.

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