Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design SMT Electronics Assembly Manufacturing Forum

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Plating Thickness at Via Hole



Plating Thickness at Via Hole | 5 August, 2004

What is the industry standard for Plating Thickness at via hole?What will be the problem if the thickness less than required spec.?

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Plating Thickness at Via Hole | 5 August, 2004

You need to have 1 thou of copper. If don't moisture absorbed by the board will out-gas through the plating.

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Plating Thickness at Via Hole | 5 August, 2004

Is 1 thou of copper refer to 1 mil or 1 mm.?In Asia,we do not really use this unit.Please advise.

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Plating Thickness at Via Hole | 5 August, 2004

If the moisture does not has path to escape,what will happen to the entrapped moisture ,will there be a problem in the asssembly process?

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Plating Thickness at Via Hole | 5 August, 2004

A 'thou' is a 'mil'. It's intended use to to distinguish 'mil' from 'milli' [obviously with marginal success].

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Plating Thickness at Via Hole | 5 August, 2004

The entrapped moisture WILL escape. You just want to assure it is not through your PTH and via. Hopefully your board is constructed such that the alternate escape path for the moisture does not delaminate the board.

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Plating Thickness at Via Hole | 6 August, 2004

What will be the impact on the plating if the moisture outgas thru the PTH?Can the plate get damaged?

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Plating Thickness at Via Hole | 6 August, 2004

When moisture outgasses through plating, it continues through the molten solder, causing a meak solder connection.

There's another issue with thin plating that we haven't focused on in this thread. If plating is thin, the stress on the barrel of a through hole or via caused by thermal expansion can crack the plating. We talked about this here:

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