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Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design Forum

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Soltec Deltawave


Soltec Deltawave | 15 March, 2005


Can anyone give me a bit of an advise or tip on how to reduce the flux residues on the board when it comes out of the wavesolder machine. The Vitronics Soltec 6622CC that we are using have been producing boards like this for years and people here just clean the boards manually. I would like to stop this practice and just get a clean board out from the machine.

I head the equipment maintenance dept. and now have been tasked to look into the process as well. We have no process engineer for about a year now. I have been a process engineer before but on a diff. industry so this would be totally new to me. Any help that would lead me to the right way would be appreciated.

I have been fiddling with the spray fluxer settings, I was getting cleaner boards by reducing the flux pump frequency or speed of the fluxer but I'm not getting enough solder to go up the holes on the TH components.

Should I start looking at the preheaters (3 zones)? The machine is in top condition as it has just recently been maintained, the solderbath is clean and spray fluxer as well.

Any website where I can do some reading on wavesoldering techniques? Thank you.


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Soltec Deltawave | 16 March, 2005


We have this model wave, and spent a few days trying to eliminate residue. We also tried various no clean fluxes, and because we sell PCI cards they need to be clean, and we don't want to deal with a cleaning process.

But in the end we gave up, and starred using custom pallets to shield the boards from the flux, and we only flux around the connectors where the soldering is. With tweaked settings for min residue, you cannot tell and the boards come out clean.



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Soltec Deltawave | 16 March, 2005

Grant is right, also for us was the easiest solution to us custom pallets. But you should also try to tweak preheat zones settings. The flux manufacturer should give you some basic temperatures where the flux gets activated. Also it is worth to make a profile board with thermo-couples to make sure that you are on the flux activation temperature on the PCB surface.

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Soltec Deltawave | 16 March, 2005

Try varying you conveyor speed as well to increase the dwell time on the wave (touchy, and can easily be overdone). Every no-clean type and process I have ever used will leave some type of residue. They can be minimized but they will always be there. I expect shortly that there will be a post about the "zero residue flux" that we have all asked about regarding the data supporting this. when this happens please use this flux and tell us what happened.

I still get tweaky when I hear "we have to clean our no-clean by hand"! If your boards need to be spotless why don't you use a clean process? you are defeating the purpose/advantage of no-clean when you clean. Also do you really think that you are cleaning the board or just thinning it out so you can't see it?

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Soltec Deltawave | 16 March, 2005



Soltec Deltawave | 16 March, 2005

decrease pump rpm, for penitration try tweeking pitch as well as belt speed. On the delta wave spray pitch and belt speed are related.

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