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Software for converting txt2vios or programming a Philips Comet

Views: 8041

Lasse H.


Software for converting txt2vios or programming a Philips Comet | 14 September, 2005

We have invested in a Philips Comet mounting machine and we are astonished to find out that the Philips Comet are being programmed manually by vision-cameras or by a eksternal software which cost like 16000 $. We have taken out some of the files and have figured out parts of the code. But if somebody know of a cheaper software or another way of programming this machine.

I look forward to here from you...

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Software for converting txt2vios or programming a Philips Comet | 15 September, 2005

Try to get hold of the Philips/Assembleon Cad2Cad program, it is (or was) free. You can import several (proprietary) file formats and centroid files and export it as VIOS text-files. All you need to do then on the machine is assign the correct component database numbers and optimize, and you're ready to go.


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Software for converting txt2vios or programming a Philips Comet | 16 September, 2005

Using Circuit Cam here. Not sure on the cost though.

We use it to program our CS400E insertion machines as well.

Makes nice work instruction drawings too.

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Lasse H.


Software for converting txt2vios or programming a Philips Comet | 20 September, 2005

Hallo again Base...

Thanks for your answer... I've been following up, but with no luck... I've been on and been trying the Cad2Cad Express but I haven't got any luck in converting the dxf, or dwg files to some useable txt files that could be copied into the Philips CSM Comet machine via a floppy disk.

I don't know wether it is the wrong program i have downloaded or what else is wrong...

Hope that I can take a minut of your time...

Thanks... Lasse

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Software for converting txt2vios or programming a Philips Comet | 20 September, 2005

I use Cad2Cad v1.5 with Phillips Topaz. I don't know how much is differs, try this:

Converting data to a Philips VIOS Text File format:

1. Open the pick and place data in Excel and format it to look like table 1. ** Make sure you delete the �mm� after each x and y location. ** Check part Rotation. Make sure Top and Bottom part rotations are correct.

2. Save this spreadsheet as a *.csv (comma delimited) file.

3. Open Cad2Cad v.1.5

4. Click on �Options� than �Column Files�.

5. Browse to find the *.csv (comma delimited) file you just saved and select this file.

6. Click on the Format CAD File tab.

7. For File Format select �Character Delimited� and make sure a comma appears in the character box

8. For the side box select the correct side either top or bottom. Then for the side ID box type what is in the layer column in the *.csv file.

9. Then for each Field name type in the column number that it is in the *.csv ** Looking at table 1 you would fill in the information as seen below. Field Name Order Electrical Reference: 1 Package Name: 7 Part number: 6 X Location: 2 Y Location: 3 Orientation: 5 Side: 4

10. Click �OK� �OK�

11. Now save as a �Philips VIOS Text File� using the floppy disk. ** Make sure to note the file name on the disk.

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Software for converting txt2vios or programming a Philips Comet | 21 September, 2005

Lasse: Rich beat me to it! His steps are the correct ones. You first need to put your CAD-data into a column file and then use CAD2CAD to import, process and export it as VIOStxt.

Greetings Base

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Software for converting txt2vios or programming a Philips Comet | 5 October, 2005

Thanks for the help so far. But i still have problems, do to the downloaded version of Cad2Cad ver. 3 which does not have any save as/export/import or open file-posibilities which support vios, csv or txt-files or anything like it.

I downloaded the program from the website. Maybe the new version 3.0 doesn't support the same as the old version 1.5

Is it possible to get a copy of your program you use?

or do you know a site were it is possible to download it from. I have tried to search the web for the old version without any luck.

I hope i can use a minut of your time... Again.

Thanks for everything. Lasse

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Software for converting txt2vios or programming a Philips Comet | 6 October, 2005

The software you downloaded is not what you need. I can e-mail you a version of Philips cad to cad converter V1.5. We use it for Comet and Topaz machines. Send me an e-mail and I will forward it to you.

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Lasse H.


Software for converting txt2vios or programming a Philips Comet | 6 October, 2005

Thanks for the help, but I allready got the software and it is wirking quite good... I really apreciate the help you all have giving me... I definitly gonna use this site again ,when i run into truble...

Best Regards Lasse Husman

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Software for converting txt2vios or programming a Philips Comet | 11 October, 2005

Hello, I am very interested in that software. I own a CSM 84V, and wonder if it would be useful for me. Could anyone tell me how to get it? Could you send me to: ?? Thank you very much.

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Software for converting txt2vios or programming a Philips Comet | 14 October, 2005

Dear all,

Cad2Cad was a program wrote for Philips/Assembl�on customer, just to have a tool for cad 2 P&P ( Philips or Assembl�on kind of machine). It is free of charge for Assembl�on customer, if you contact Assembl�on in your country you can have it.

Have luck

Mister SMT

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