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Advice Needed between a DEK 265GSX and a MPM UP3030!

Views: 8970


Advice Needed between a DEK 265GSX and a MPM UP3030! | 5 October, 2006

Hello Everyone, I am new in this field and looking for an advice for choosing a screen printer between a DEK 265GSX and a MPM UP3030. Would you kindly give me your pros and cons between the 2 machines in terms of technical superior, ease of use, retaining resale value, popularity, reliability and serviceability? Thanks in advance, -CN

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Advice Needed between a DEK 265GSX and a MPM UP3030! | 5 October, 2006

cn, Currently we have a DEK265GSX a DEK Infinity and a MPM UP3000 printers and previously had MPM Accuflex,MPM UP1500 and MPM AP24s. No advice for the UP3030. We always had to work on all of the MPM printers for one thing or another and every time we had to replace a part it was atleast $1000.00 but hardly ever have to touch the DEK printers.Print repeatability with no offsetts are also a plus for the DEK machines. Tech support is about the same for both printers as well as part availibilty. Reliabilty is 100% with DEK.If you go with a DEK the autoflex tooling and green camera is a big plus.

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Advice Needed between a DEK 265GSX and a MPM UP3030! | 5 October, 2006

CN, I forgot a couple things. The DEK printers are easy to program at about 3-5 min. The MPM is a little more difficult to program and it takes about 20-30 min. Resale value is also in DEKs favor. Just look around in the equipment section and see all of the MPMs for sale. DEK is so reliable companies just do not sell them. All in all I would trade a train load of MPM printers for 1 DEK. Thats just my opinion though.

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Advice Needed between a DEK 265GSX and a MPM UP3030! | 5 October, 2006

Wow, I'd have to say the exact opposite. Compared to MPM the DEKs were WAY longer to program. But find out for yourself CN. Program each and get back to us. Don't forget to program in 2D as well. That will be the kicker!

As for spending money, we spent way too much on our DEKs. Upgrading cameras, power supplies, air manifolds leaking, blah blah blah. But that could be attributed to many things.

Each hold their resale value about the same, both are popular, and both can be reliable. Service for us on DEK was very minimal to say the least. Can't say too much about MPM cause we never really have had to call service yet. Again service depends on where you are and who you are.

We chose the MPMs because we constantly had to adjust for fiducial locations and brightness on our DEKs. We get boards made from any board house in the world, so fiducial recognition is a big deal. 2D recognition was also something we needed. Getting it to work on a DEK is a handful compared to the MPMs. The mechanical board stop in the DEK can be a pain if you have wide boards that bow also.

I'm sure I've got some readers undies in a bunch and the replies will soon start flying. That's why I suggest trying to program each for yourself and decide for yourself.

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Advice Needed between a DEK 265GSX and a MPM UP3030! | 5 October, 2006

We've always been MpM so no comparison from me on DEK. All I can say is we have had 3000 series that seemed to need constant attention and almost daily wrenching. We got a couple of AP25 HiE's and they are easier to use, way more reliable and simpler. It could be just that our 3000's were getting old but our AP's are similar cycles and run almost trouble free.

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Advice Needed between a DEK 265GSX and a MPM UP3030! | 5 October, 2006

We run Dek ELAs and MPM UP1500, Everyone here prefers the Deks. Set up, software, maintenance, operation etc. There's not a lot in it - the guys just prefer the Deks. However we are an OEM and so get control on board design, finish, fiducials etc. Someone who's pushing the envelope a bit more might come up with more problems than we see. Both of the above models are good machines for us.

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Advice Needed between a DEK 265GSX and a MPM UP3030! | 5 October, 2006

I'm with Chunks on this. In my experience MPM's are very accurate and reliable. There are so many out there because people like them. You can make a program with 2D inspection in about 10 minutes. Things do sometimes break on the 3000's, but not any more than DEK. Alot of that is how you maintain the machine. I have had less trouble with the AP and UP model MPM's. I also like the vision system and the software better on the MPM's. As far as technical support, definitely MPM.

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Advice Needed between a DEK 265GSX and a MPM UP3030! | 6 October, 2006

UP1500 was not a real MPM machine, so not relevant. UP1500 was an SMTech (UK) machine, different sofware, camera, etc.... than an MPM machine. AccuFlex is now real MPM.

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Advice Needed between a DEK 265GSX and a MPM UP3030! | 6 October, 2006

I believe the early UP3000's had some significant mechanical issues. We have 3 UP3000 Ultraflex machines. We bought them used. These are great machines and easy to program but you need to have operators that really understand the machine. I dont think you can go wrong with either machine as long as it is well maintained and you have a good operator. If you can, try this experiment: Take the operators of your best performing printer and your worst performing printer and switch them for a few months and see what happens. When it comes to printers, in most casses, the operator is more important than the printer. As an engineer, its hard to judge the performance of a printer if you dont know the quality of the operator.

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Advice Needed between a DEK 265GSX and a MPM UP3030! | 9 October, 2006

We had one of the crap UP3000's. However it was still better than a 265. If you don't need the extra large board size look for an AP2* or a HiE, especially if you are looking at using paste inspection.

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Advice Needed between a DEK 265GSX and a MPM UP3030! | 9 October, 2006

I agree with Chunks. Programming was much simpler. The 2D inspection is much better on MPM. I didn't have to use offsets on the MPM or the DEK very often, but did more on teh DEK. I didn't like the front justified stencils on the DEK. I also didn't like clamping over the edge of the boards on the DEK. It always left me with a little higher solder paste at the board edges. I have good and bad machines of both variety. Neither one is cheap to fix. Overall I prefer MPM, but either will work provided proper maintenance is done (as true for all machines).


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Advice Needed between a DEK 265GSX and a MPM UP3030! | 9 October, 2006

I'm repairing SMT for 20 years and I've worked with both machines. From my experience, I always had a bunch of problems with DEK printer and the service is terrible if your not a big one. MPM is more reliable, parts cheaper & service much better. Programming is easy on both machines and the quality of the print is depending most of the time on your operator.

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Tyrone Hudish


Advice Needed between a DEK 265GSX and a MPM UP3030! | 7 November, 2006

Use a Ekra printer!

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Advice Needed between a DEK 265GSX and a MPM UP3030! | 7 November, 2006

Well, there you have it. When deciding between MPM or DEK, you should choose..... Ekra! Wow, um, thanks for clearing the air on that one Tyrone.

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