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Selective Fountain Soldering: Process Optimization

Views: 2174


Selective Fountain Soldering: Process Optimization | 11 December, 2006

Hello. Does anyone out there have any advice on optimizing a selective soldering process? We have a Pillarhouse fountain soldering machine new to our facility and as a Quality/Process Engineer, I am in charge of developing guidelines for board and process design. I plan to look at factors like board design, flux composition and application, solder temperature, dwell time, peel-off, etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! -LRD116

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Selective Fountain Soldering: Process Optimization | 11 December, 2006

When we hear "optimizing", we think design of experiments

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Selective Fountain Soldering: Process Optimization | 15 December, 2006

Sure. Treat it like wave solder. Top side wetting is generaly harder to achieve than wave so don't over look it. On most selective solder machine, the delta-T is also something to look out for. Most move from preheat to pot. And snce the pot portion is kinda slow, the top side temp may fall below your recommended top side heat tollerance. One way around that is to solder all your large components first, then move to your smaller leaded ones.

If your design is developed for selective solder, should be a cake walk.

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