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Universal GSM1 manual

Views: 7252


Universal GSM1 manual | 14 August, 2007


I adquired recently an used GSM1 pick & place machine in an auction but unfortunately came without manuals with it. I would like to find a manual or startup doc to begin. Anybody can help me?


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Universal GSM1 manual | 14 August, 2007

It HEAVILY depends on the block revision and installed software. Read the serial number of the machine and post it here as well as the software version number...

- Dejan

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Universal GSM1 manual | 16 August, 2007


The serial number of the machine is:4681A09051-6-45955404. I dont know the soft version as I did not connect it yet because I am looking for a 3 phase transformer with 230V output for mains.


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Universal GSM1 manual | 16 August, 2007

Did You recieve any s/w with it? If something has happend to the hard drive or something could happens in the future then you need to reinstall... S/W ver. is written on the the s/w package. It should contain s/w for: The OS (Operating system), Vision system (depending on what vision system it is) and the UPS (Universal Platform S/w) itself. Is there any paper shipped with the machine that says anything about the basic features or options installed on the machine? Like vision system, type of cameras, type of Heads, board handling, what year the machine is from, etc.


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Universal GSM1 manual | 17 August, 2007


your machine is exactly the same configuration as mine. I even think we both bought them from the same seller ;-).

Anyway, it's BLOCK-I with (most probably) USOS V1.4.14 software running on OS/2.

I've registered the software with UIC for 400 EUR-os after which I was granted access to their WEB document archive. Software manuals are available there (a lots of PDF's and MB's). Hardware manuals are not (and won't be) available on WEB and you must order them in the printed form if you need them. Howewer, a lot of hardware information is also available from their WEB, as most of the modules weren't changed between revisions. That's how I get my one running.

Officially, it's unsupported (too old) and I must say I was pretty disappointed with UIC responsiveness in the Europe. I've asked for quote for some spares several times - no response at all... Strange way to do a business. Fortunately, there's a lot of spares cirulating on the secondary (used) marked and the prices are fair.

- Dejan

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Universal GSM1 manual | 17 August, 2007

Hi Dejan:

Glad to hear from you. I will check the soft version as soon as I get a transformer. I tried to register on the Universal page without success.I suspect that I have to buy something...,someone from Universal in Spain contacted me by phone and he will visit us next month, anyway they told me that they could not service my machine as it was not sold from them. I agree with you, it is a strange way of gaining clients so we are closing a buy for a second-hand Philips machine plenty of feeders and ready to work and the representative of Philips (Assembleon) in Spain will do the service and a trainning course for a week (this is the rigth way of gaining a client). Meanwhile, in spite of the lack of support we will try to put the GSM at work.

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Universal GSM1 manual | 17 August, 2007

If you run into any trouble with this, I will be more than happy to help you out. We have a spec. that includes everything that UIC says the transformer has to do. Now we contacted a local transformer manufactory; and guess what: we bought 8 of them and to a price for one UIC so called original transformer. They are even better because they are smaller and shielded in a better way. We have no relationship, nor any benefit from UIC or any other machine vendor. I just think it is totally crazy to charge a new potentially customer with horrible fees for an old s/w , that is according to UIC out of the market, not to mention IBM:s OS/2 which is no longer supported. If they do business this way, I wonder how long they can stay in the market... Funny in a way, since IBM already in the early 90:s stated that OS/2 will become an obsolete product in a few years from now, still UIC continued to build their new GSM:s on an already bypassed or obsolete OS into the new millenuim... When we bougt a brand new GSM in the early 2000, haha, we new that the OS/2 was obsolete, but what can we do? I think we now more than UIC:s own tecnician about OS/2...

No harm or anything about the OS/2, which I personally think works just wonderful. Actually better than the new UPS Win NT based systems, which also already was obsolete from MS when UIC started to develop their s/w to be able to fit in the "new" Win NT... Our machines with OS/2 just works great and we even have connected them to our local network, so we can do backups of the component library, feeder library and pattern programs.. Haha, there is no need for anti virus protection on an OS/2 system... /Sincerly

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Universal GSM1 manual | 17 August, 2007

Speaking of network connection - I can't get our GSM running on OS/2 ver 2.x to talk to our local (MSWIN) network. Any quick guide - how you did it?

kind regards


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Universal GSM1 manual | 17 August, 2007

A quick guide... But let me tell you the essentials in the beginning/middle of next week (I will then copy "our way"). There are 3 consecutive steps of how to proceed. Maybe I can e-mail you this in a word doc, where I can put in screen shots? I don't know yet, otherwise I will print it down. There are only one problem, at least for us: our IT department doesn't like OS/2 in the local net, because of the lack of anti virus s/w supporting an obsolete OS... Just let me know.

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Universal GSM1 manual | 21 August, 2007

Hi Mika:

It would be great to know the specs required for the transformer as I have a trasformer manufacturer here able to do it. I saw that the machine uses 3 phase without Neutral (230V each)30 amps. These 30 Amps are total or each phase?


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