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Studie of the RoHS directive

Views: 2758


Studie of the RoHS directive | 18 January, 2008

European rocket science!!!! A 189 page report to conclude that if you ban something you will use less of it.

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Studie of the RoHS directive | 19 January, 2008

Most of the "Economic Benefits" is a bunch of hand waving, but the one forceful point is: "Four companies of our survey mentioned monetary gains. One company states that it produces the same product for the world market as a result of RoHS. Due to early RoHS compliance in the EU market, the company now has an advantage in other regions where RoHS like regulations are in sight. A second company experienced an initial boost in sales by becoming RoHS compliant ahead of many of its competitors, this adavantages has now tapered off. A third company mentions the additional services it can offer to evalate customer products for compliance. The last company thinks it may experience monetary gains in the long run, but only aginast competitors outside of Europe. The argument is that it is no use to set high quality standards of products for the European market when goods entering Europe form foreign counties are not checked at all. If necessary action on this point is not taken, profitability will be reduced, not increased."

Then under "Environmental Impact Analysis", they say " Effects of Pb substitution in solders Based on the results of the amounts Pb avoided in EU-25 due to the implementation of RoHS, which are the highest among all the RoHS substances, a more detailed literature review was performed to look into the effects of Pb substitution in solders (as one of the most important Pb compounds in products). It can be concluded that substitution of Pb in solders by other substances (lead-free solders) can also negative environmental effects, next to the positive environmental effects of Pb substitution (Kindesj�, 2002; Schoenung, 2003; US EPA, 2005; Deubzer, 2007). Only the relevant end results are mentioned in the paragraphs below."

Negative economic benefit, negative environmental benefit, but we feel good because we're using less of that stuff. Got to love the Euros. [Too bad they can't afford a spell checker, eh?]

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Studie of the RoHS directive | 22 January, 2008

"The following additional exemption grounds are defined by DTI (partly referring to the WEEE Directive): � Spare parts for the capacity expansion or upgrade of EEE placed on the market before 1 July 2006 � It forms part of equipment not included in product categories � Intended for a specific national security and/or military purpose � Main power source is not electricity � Electricity is not needed for primary function � It uses less than 1000v AC or 1500v DC"

What am I missing? It looks like anything that uses less than 1000v AC or less than 1500v DC is exempt. I copied that from page 24.

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Studie of the RoHS directive | 22 January, 2008

Stephen good observation

It�s a spelling error it should be �more� instead of less. Like Dave said �[Too bad they can't afford a spell checker, eh?]�

Technically correct is all equipment requiring a power source of more than 1000V AC or 1500V DC are outside the scope of the directive (no exemption needed).

Also remember that the DTI is the UK RoHS governing body all European member states have different enforcement rules, regulations and interpretations.

It�s still a jungle and I wonder what will happen in a couple of years when all the lead-free stuff start failing.

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