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Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design Forum

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Views: 4712


Not enough lube ? | 23 January, 2008


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Not enough lube ? | 23 January, 2008

How do I get the pic to load into the message body automatically ?

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Not enough lube ? | 23 January, 2008

Se�or Tech: There's check-box at the bottom of the attachment screen

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Not enough lube ? | 23 January, 2008

Ummm...Oh ya. I guess I was so excited about being able to post pics that I musta not seen it. Great addition to the site guys !

By the you think my CP6 is pretty ?

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Not enough lube ? | 23 January, 2008

What boat in what ocean did that machine fall off of? Has the maintenance department been drawn and quartered? What is the serial number of that peice of kit?

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Not enough lube ? | 24 January, 2008

Where do you find bolts like that? That just saves time if you are trying to pressure someone into a new machine.

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Not enough lube ? | 26 January, 2008

A picture with 1600 x 1200 pixels nearly 900KB! Well... I think SMTnet should maximize or standardize the pixel's or image size, like many newspaper do if you want to upload a picture... I rearranged this image to a 1/4 of its original size. Compare them... Sincerely, Mika. Ps. Just "right click" on the picture with your mouse button and select properties. Ds.


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Not enough lube ? | 28 January, 2008

Well, inquiring minds want to know how that machine got in that condition? Left out in the rain for a year? Fire sprinklers went off? I almost believe it DID get dunked in the ocean, the corrosion is pretty awesome!


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Not enough lube ? | 28 January, 2008

Mika: So, how did you modify Se�or Tech's pix?

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Not enough lube ? | 29 January, 2008

I'd say poor storage. Pretty common these days.

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Not enough lube ? | 29 January, 2008

I am not sure what happened to that machine. One of my associates sent those pics to me a long time ago. I'll ask him next time I speak to him.

Looks like it was around salt water judging the way the aluminum is rotting.

What a waste of a cool machine...

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Not enough lube ? | 29 January, 2008

Poor storage as in a loading dock in Xiamen?

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Not enough lube ? | 2 February, 2008

Hi DaveF, I used Adobe Photoshop > File meny > Save for the Web. I know that the Adobe Photoshop is not in every man's hand. Even though I know that there is a some good free-ware that can do similar to this, converts for ex. a jpeg to a smaller size jpeg, without to loose to much of its "visibility" just enough for our purpose here at this forum.

My point being with this illustration was; If it is possible to upload pictures of great sizes like 1mb or 2, 3,or 4MB:s etc. then imagine when a person like you or me or anybody using a poor connection from time to time or somebody who just don't have "full broadband". Especially when there is some replays with another big size picture. It will take forever for us to download and see the whole thread. (BTW, did you notice the time different of downloding the two images)? That is why I had some thoughts about this in the early stages approx a year ago, when we all wanted the possibility's to upload images and I just love the idea, but I also recommended the very fine SMTnet to perhaps have a maximum size of the permitted upload (KB/MB) and also a maximum of pixel size of the images. Don't misunderstand me, because this option is by far the most needed feature at the very fine SMTnet.

There is one more thing; did you noticed when the pictures is loaded into this thread, there is no word wrap, meaning one must drag the bar tho the right to be able to read the whole row?

I can't stand to read a thread that I must drag the bar to the right...!! Anybody else out there experience this?

Maybe because I don't use a wide screen monitor, so if the original picture size should have been in approx 1024x768 or something like that, this problem will not occur on my screen? Like your image posting who had less pixel (672x489).

No problem...

This is just my thoughts, but I'm interested to hear what you all SMTnet users think about this. Sincerely, Mika Ps. I'm sorry for my poor english & grammar. Ds.

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Not enough lube ? | 3 February, 2008

We dislike having to use the horizontal scroll bar [er whatever it's called] also. Large images in a posting cause the box used to reply to that posting to be shifted to the right is an nother peculiarity that could be improved. [Probably, this isn't an issue if the images are limited to 1024x768 pixel.]

We're certain the fine folk at SMTnet are monitoring our every word and groaning in pain at the prospect of having to rev-up the fine work.

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Not enough lube ? | 3 February, 2008

Pretty simple explanation really as it's happened to equipment I have sold and sent to Asia.

If the paperwork on the importer's side of the transaction isn't up to snuff or they haven't paid off the right guy to get it in the country, the machine will sit in customs......perhaps even outside until the matter is cleared up. If it's monsoon season you're going to end up with a wet and rusted machine.

I've also seen guys from China come over here and spend $150,000 on a machine but refuse to spend the $500 to have the machine vacuum bagged for shipment. After 2 weeks on the ocean it will look like this one does.

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