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gpu removal

Views: 11879


gpu removal | 16 September, 2009


i have just brought a hot air rework station to remove a gpu on xbox 360 i have removed the chip but three of the pads have gone a brownish color and seem like solder will not stick to them ,does this mean the chip is ruined ? ,if so is it because i used to higher temp i was using about 400 degree,the chip is about 40mm what is the right temp to use for removing it ?.

all my three kids xbox 360 have the same problem i brought the rework station and re balling stencil to fix maybe think its a bad idea now not knowing what im doing

any help would be great

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gpu removal | 16 September, 2009

Hi you are about to discover the most pain in the ass type of repair on xbox 360's there is. I have pics that I would like you to see of a good CPU & GPU and bad ones. Go to this link>( I can make some more pic's for you to see and I will post them in photobucket.Go to my page at this link and then click on my album ( These photo's were taken with a video microscope. The brown spot is a damaged pad that is junk you can not fix it. Also you need to look at the temp profile> Now you must convert C to F to really look at the temps needed to take off and reflow> here is one more link for you to go to to learn about reflow and rework>( and go here>( I have started to repair these units and have read and read and read!Also go to this link that I posted about what to do>( me this is a bitch of a job for just a few units. I have about 8 units that are just junk because of the pads on the chips and mobo's. E-mail me if you want At we can share info.

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gpu removal | 17 September, 2009

I would like to say one more thing to you about this site:if you get any other help besides me your lucky. I have goten no help at all on this site. I posted about Xbox 360 and got replys as if from smart ass kids. Good Luck

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gpu removal | 17 September, 2009


gpu removal | 17 September, 2009

what I tell ya Another smart ASS

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gpu removal | 18 September, 2009

I know nothing about Xbox specific rework, but have a lot of experience with PCB repairs.

"...maybe think its a bad idea now not knowing what im doing"

Don't get discouraged, it's a learning process. If it was that easy everyone would be doing it.

SAC305 (Pb-free solder) melts around 220C, so 400C was too hot. The problem is heating all of the part (and PCB) up to just over 220C. To do this you really need a pre-heater that will elevate the part (and PCB) to about 180C, then your hot-air tool set to ~280C will heat the part much easier. Finding the right air flow rate for your tool is also a learning experience. I use a higher flow rate for removal and for larger parts. Too much heat, for too long, will make your job harder. The pads will oxidize and the adhesive that holds the copper to the board will let go. Once the pad is oxidized you will need to clean it off. I have heard of chemical techniques, but I haven't used any of them yet. There is also the mechanical technique, but you must be VERY careful or you will destroy the pad. If the pad is oxidized then there is a high probability that the adhesive is weakened as well. Once the oxidation is removed, you will need to re-tin the pad. There are chemical solutions for this, or you can use a good flux and solder (which will need to be cleaned when finished).

When doing the work, I highly recommend that you get some magnification. For easy stuff, I use 2.3X Heine loops. For smaller stuff I use a variable magnification (with long objective relief) microscope.

Good luck.

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gpu removal | 23 September, 2009

larob57 Mike is not being a SA. The GPU in the XBox is packaged as a BGA [ball grid array].

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gpu removal | 24 September, 2009

I can't help but laugh. People ask for help, other people go out of their way to offer assistance, and the people asking for help have so much inexperience that they can't even determine that it was a valid attempt at trying to help solve their problem. The nerve of some people trying to educate the ignorant!!! The world isn't full of smart asses, but it does appear to be full of ignorance. Happy Guinness Day everyone. Have one on me.

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gpu removal | 24 September, 2009

Why do you even write, you can't even help anyway. Your just full of hot air YOU MAKE ME LAUGH BECAUSE YOU ARE PROVING ME RIGHT!!!HA-HA-HA SO instead of you running your suck say some thing that has to do with the removal of a GPU ON XBOX360! OH nO YOU Can't BECAUSE PLAY WITH WEEEEE AND BY THE WAY WEEEEE SUCKS! AND ANYWAY I ALL READY HAVE HELPED HIM MORE THEN YOU JERK!!

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gpu removal | 24 September, 2009


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gpu removal | 25 September, 2009

DudeBro, who peed in your oatmeal this morning? Relax, it's all good. Your anger is what me find it so funny. Excuse me for chiming in. I could've helped, but saw that he already had the information that he needed. As far as my inexperience goes..I've been in the Electronics Manufacturing Industry for 17 years. Trust me, I've reworked plenty of BGA's. (Which, in case you haven't figured it out yet, is the package type of the X-Box 360 GPU.) And I'm NOT a Wii user. (I take great offense to that!!) I've been an XBOX owner since the day that it was introduced. I stood in line to get my clunky giant black X-Box, and was in line again the day the 360's came out. I'm on my third 360. (The Elite), and have already repaired and sold my previous two. I'd extend you an Olive Branch, but with your anger management issues, I think you'd perceive that as an attempt by me to poke your eye out. Have a good day Sir. I hope you one day find peace in your life.

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