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Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming

Views: 11487

Hello. Does anyone know how to add a different package to... - Feb 26, 2014 by JB  



Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming | 26 February, 2014


Does anyone know how to add a different package to the Part Group on the Samsung CP45FV neo software? See picture. For example if we wanted a heading for Inductors, how do we add that?



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Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming | 26 February, 2014

You can not add or change the part groups on Samsung equipment. If my memory serves me the old CP40/20 you could but not on the newer equipment

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Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming | 3 March, 2014

Thanks for the reply, how do people handle different packages then if you can't add new ones?

If we had a 1206 sized inductor, then a 1206 sized ferrite bead and so on, they would all have to be grouped under the same generic heading? e.g. Chip-R3216(1206)?

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Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming | 3 March, 2014

Those would go under chip rectangle. That is just they do it.

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Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming | 20 March, 2014

More questions about programming components. Is there a comprehensive programming guide for these machines? How does "image capture" & "Autoteach" work? we have a few parts that we are struggling with and they seem simple devices? Pics attached.


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Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming | 10 April, 2014

> More questions about programming components. Is > there a comprehensive programming guide for these > machines? How does "image capture" & "Autoteach" > work? we have a few parts that we are struggling > with and they seem simple devices? Pics > attached.


The part definitions are stored in an access database on the machine. If you have access to a good IT guy, they can manipulate that data for you directly and should be able to add another category for your own parts. There is a slight difference in the storage methodology between the CP40 and cP45, but I don't remember the details.

I'm afraid I can't offer any help at the moment on the autoteach functions, but give me a few weeks. My company ran three CP45s a few years after a short timeout, we are back running prototypes so I just bought another cp45 & I'm coming back up to speed on the programming/operation of them. Setting up accurate vision definitions has been one of the more annoying things for me to remember.

I'm sure you have found the manuals and software a little non-intuitive. The Samsungs we had were real workhorses & they ran lots of components for us with little or no problems & high placement accuracy, however, in order to fully understand how they work required some head scratching. I'm back in head scratching mode again as well.

I do know that you can have all your part dimensions perfect and it will just "fail" the test. No feedback on why, no details on what it did find compared to what it was looking for... or at least no feedback that I know how do decipher no matter how many times I read the manual. Changing the lighting a little bit...and poof it begins to pass. I'm sure there is more diagnostics available in the software somewhere, but I don't know where/how.


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Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming | 11 April, 2014

Hello Len.

Thanks for the update, I wouldn't say we are getting the hang of it but we are progressing, I now have a vision programming guide which isn't much help when parts are failing, it just states the obvious, set up sizes etc. The light that you mention is probably the most common reason we have had them failing. We are still struggling on yellow tantalums, we seem to not be able to get the lighting correct on those. What we have found in the manual is a good feature in the Trimmer section, "rough check" feature which seems to work very well. For real problem parts we have resorted to placing those on the CP40 and doing the majority of parts on the CP45. I'm sure over time we'll get the hang of it. The auto teach, we have found we have to almost set the part info up ourselves before this will work. Image capture is just a feature to take a picture like i have done above but without using an external camera.

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Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming | 11 April, 2014


I have found the same thing with the visions codes & auto-teach. I'm sure there are some nifty tips/tricks to make all this work faster/better. I just wish they were documented in the manuals better. One thing I did on a yellow tant just a few days ago that helped is to set the lead length to 0.000. This seems to tell the software to ignore the leads and just use the body size. Then I played with the lighting to just get a dull grey body and then it worked!

I've often wondered why machines don't have a dog simple vision option to pick the part on feeder X, look at it with the camera to find the center of it, IGNORE all other parametrics including size (just give me the center of mass of whatever part is on the head at the time), and then splat it a location Y. For prototypes, this is what I think would be ideal.

Also, I just checked on the printout on our CP45Neo. It's not in ascii, but you can print the feeder map and all data to an installed printer (use adobe file generator driver if you need a file I suppose). It's under the Utilities tab.

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Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming | 4 September, 2014

Hello All.

Another question about programming if anyone could help?

We are current placing BGA's and it places them fine but we have noticed it doesn't spot when a ball is missing. We have adjusted the settings so it does reliably spot the missing balls while manually testing them but when we try running the program it rejects all good & bad ones. If we tweak the settings slightly it goes back to not spotting the missing balls and placing everything. The only real setting we are changing is the lighting. Picture attached of current settings when it spots the missing balls.


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Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming | 4 June, 2015


Could somebody help me with this part. BTS432 E3062

We were not able to program the machine to place the part. Any ideas?

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Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming | 5 June, 2015

There are several way to tech this. I used this machines some time ago and maybe I am rusty, but you can try two ways that I can think of: -use IC package with 4 leads from one side and 1 big from the other. You can play here a lot, for example you can ignore either the 4 leads or the opposite one and see how you accuracy changes. -use sot23(correct me if I am wrong) and change the pin numbers and sizes. If I had the machine in front of me I would have given you some screens. I hope the other guys can help you better.

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Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming | 5 June, 2015

What we have found after using the machine for a while is that its difficult to set up most odd / uneven parts. The best way we have found is use the trimmer package and then use the rough check feature, that seems to work well with most things.

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Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming | 5 June, 2015

Thanks guys. We'll try that.

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Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming | 24 June, 2015


Can you give more details on the what is the rough check feature is? I don't know if our model has that, or it's some feature that I just glossed over, but it sounds very useful.


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Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming | 26 June, 2015

It is only available in the trimmer package, its a tick box, not sure exactly how it works but it just does a rough check of the part, not very good for fine pitch / very high accuracy needed.

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Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming | 29 June, 2015


Thanks, I've never noticed that box before. I'll have to look into it. BTW, on your original question of different group, I have been investigating the database structure in more detail lately, and I do believe you can add your own group into the list. It's not quite straightforward, but it does look possible. This is something I have wanted as well.


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Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming | 10 August, 2015

Microsoft Access will allow you to manipulate the databases. make sure you have a back up copy of your libraries before you manipulate.

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Samsung CP45FV Neo Programming | 20 August, 2015


Thanks for the hint on the trimmer package "rough check" box, we have used it lately for some problem parts and it is indeed handy.

-- On another Samsung question I have (slight thread hijack)

Is anyone clear on how the "FEEDER" rotation settings affect the placement ? I know that changing the rotation in the Step window will rotate the parts of course, but I was under the assumption that if I changed the R value in the feeder window the placement would also change (for all parts placed by that feeder of course), but I'm not seeing that happen in real life. I can change the R value in the feeder window and nothing changes on how the part is placed. I also notice that if I use the drop down to change the "RPart" column it DOES affect the placement rotation. I though that the RPart column only affects it position to the camera before vision check and then was ignored during placement.



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