Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design SMT Electronics Assembly Manufacturing Forum

Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design Forum

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x,y digitizer and optical comparator

Michael Parker


x,y digitizer and optical comparator | 11 November, 1999

I am looking for advice on sourcing a x,y digitizer to create pick and place files, off-line, rather than programming with the machine. I could use original gerber data or create the placement coordinates with the digitizer. Also, references to equipment I could use in Receiving Inspection to measure PCB's and stencils, as well as multi-panelized PCB's.

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Re: x,y digitizer and optical comparator | 11 November, 1999



Yech!!! ScanCAD 303.986.7707fax7631 makes a Xerox copier-like thing to copy your board.

But why not consider:

1 There are service bureaus that will scan and convert your boards. 2 Why don't you get the gerber data from your fab and use a Gerber to machine converter (Unicam, CircuitCAM, Fabthing etc) to do your off-line programming?


MicroVu (707.838.6272) makes a nice comparitor, but I would buy a cheap, used Kodak or Bousch & Lomb optical comparitor.

Good luck

Dave F

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Re: x,y digitizer and optical comparator | 16 November, 1999

Michael, IMP Printed Circuits in Adelaide ( Australia) have an old XY table / Digitiser head system that just needs a Maher controller to get it up and running. Their email is attention Bob Armstrong.

Regards Richard

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Sheri Connor


x,y digitizer and optical comparator | 13 February, 2002

Hello Michael, I am new to this SMT Net Forum (sorry to reply so late!)and happened to plug in a search for "scanning". I wanted to make sure you have your questions answered.

ScanCAD has the perfect system for you --- ScanPLACE. Please check out our site at and contact me with additional questions. We also have a Service Bureau at our HQ in Denver, CO that can help with intermittent scanning needs.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards, Sheri Connor

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Sheri Connor


x,y digitizer and optical comparator | 13 February, 2002

> I am looking for advice on sourcing a x,y > digitizer to create pick and place files, > off-line, rather than programming with the > machine. I could use original gerber data or > create the placement coordinates with the > digitizer. Also, references to equipment I could > use in Receiving Inspection to measure PCB's and > stencils, as well as multi-panelized PCB's.

Hello Michael, I am new to this SMT Net Forum (sorry to reply so late!)and happened to plug in a search for "scanning". I wanted to make sure you have your questions answered.

ScanCAD has the perfect system for you --- ScanPLACE. Please check out our site at and contact me with additional questions. We also have a Service Bureau at our HQ in Denver, CO that can help with intermittent scanning needs.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards, Sheri Connor

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Sheri Connor


Re: x,y digitizer and optical comparator | 13 February, 2002

Hi Dave, I wanted to make sure you have current contact information for us:

ScanCAD International, Inc. PO Box 598 19181 Hwy 8 Morrison, CO 80465 Phone: 303.697.8888 Fax: 303.697.8580

Not only do we sell our scanning systems, we also have a Service Bureau that helps those customers with intermittent scanning needs for reverse engineering or assembly pattern programming.

Let me know if I may help you in any way!

Best regards, Sheri Connor

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Re: x,y digitizer and optical comparator | 13 February, 2002

You know Sherry, it's sales types like YOU that give all the other sales types a BAD name. * Since you are bright enough to understand that this thread is two and a half years old, why aren't you smart enough to not open a thread that stale? You�re just must be SOOO desperate, I guess. * Since you made your blatantly commercial posting once, why do you continue to make repeat postings of your mindless commercial drivel? Do you honestly think we give a flying blank about what you are rattling on about? * Since you just wanted me to "have current contact information", why didn't you just email me an address correction, rather than this long-winded sales pitch? Or is it that don't you believe that we're smart enough to to do a net search on your company, if we needed better contact information?

This is a technical site. There is no room for poachers like you. Buy a banner add like the other reputable suppliers that support this site.

Brian: Case in point.

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Re: x,y digitizer and optical comparator | 14 February, 2002

Dave, WOW :0

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Re: x,y digitizer and optical comparator | 17 February, 2002

I can understand that you really don't like a non-techie to post a reply/comment to the SMTNet forums. After all, it's always been about the technology/techs and not the sales folk. But what happens when a 'techie' provides incorrect or blatantly false information about a supplier or one of their products? Are they to allow this type of electronic mis-information just because they sell equipment or consumable products? They have the same rights to this open forum as you and the other technical people. As to your comment about the age of this thread and the 'untimely' response, all you need to do is search for any topic from the 'Search SMTNet:" window at the top of every page. This will return each and every main message thread stored on the SMTNet servers. This thread was found using the search word 'digitizer' in that box. The age of a message is therefore irrelevant, only the accuracy of the content counts. Since you are the single largest contributor of content to the SMTNet forums, you should be very concerned that the information you are providing is at least accurate. If not, maybe you should preface the message with IMHO to ensure that we ALL know that you may have failed to check the accuracy of the facts presented. I wish more of us had the amount of time you seem to spend �sharing� your knowledge.

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Re: Sorry, again, x,y digitizer and optical comparator | 18 February, 2002


I really don�t see any need in replying twice to an over 2 year old thread especially with no obvious technical content. A wrong phonenumber alone isn�t blantant and IMO no reason to open such a thread again and again ... that doesn�t help solve that old problem or what do you think ?

IMHO this ALL is IMHO and shouldn�t be said in each individual message.

... and IMO this kind of advertising doesn�t speak for the company and the quality of their services they have to offer.

Just give more technical and "in time" information that will help with CURRENT problems and everything is fine and your company will be WELL remembered and respected. But please, not this way.


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Re: x,y digitizer and optical comparator | 18 February, 2002

Excuse me seeming to parrot Wolfgang�s posting, but he makes good points and I'd like to expand on them.

I disagree that it's about disliking a "non-techie to post a reply/comment to the SMTNet forums." It's not about WHO posts. It's about WHAT is posted. The purpose of the forum is to transfer information to help people do their jobs. The measure of this is: Who benefits from a posting. Self-serving posts are undesirable. Clear and unbiased postings that benefit others are desirable.

I agree with you when you say, if someone �provides incorrect or blatantly false information about a supplier or one of their products�, the supplier should jump into the conversation and correct the false information / misunderstanding. It is very easy to get information incorrect. It is very easy to misstate things. It is very easy to misunderstand things. I think the supplier should do every thing available to them to correct misunderstandings and untruths about their product.

I'll take this a step further, I believe that everyone reading the forum has a responsibility to challenge comments made that are unclear, misinformed, flat wrong, or otherwise inaccurate. When someone does not understand something, they should question the statement.

Continuing, let me take your statement on the �rights to this open forum� a step further. When you say suppliers that are correcting a misstatement have �same rights to this open forum as you and the other technical people.� I believe that the person [regardless of how they make their living] trying to correct a misstatement has a GREATER right to set the record straight than other posters. Too often when a misstatement is made about a supplier on forums, the supplier either: * Is unaware the statement has been made and the statement ends-up standing as verity. � OR * Takes the conversation off-line and resolves the issue, but unfortunately, again the statement ends-up standing in the record of the forum.

Continuing on this point, I routinely email to suppliers links to postings so that they are aware of and can reply to posts that could affect their business [and we can get another view point].

When you say, I should be �very concerned that the information you are providing is at least accurate.� I�m not sure what �at least accurate� means. What else is there? Is there more than accurate? I try to do a good job of posting accurate information. I have posted things that were wrong. I have posted thing that were unclear. I have been corrected. I have apologized when I was wrong. There are things in the archives that I posted years ago that I would post differently today. If you don�t play the game, you never loose.

Regarding your �IMHO� comment, I believe everything posted on the internet is, by default, �IMHO� and prefacing each posting with it reduces bandwidth and content and plays to the lowest level that is so simple that they don�t realize that even the things supported by facts are open to interpretation and circumstance.

Don�t you understand that if every supplier searched the archives and posted address corrections to aged postings that the forum would no longer function? Don�t you understand that if someone cannot contact a supplier with incorrect information obtained from an aged posting that they will use other means to try to contact the supplier? And if that doesn�t work, they will post requesting current contact information. Don�t you understand that most users don�t even need contact information from the forum? They just need the name of a company and they use a search engine to find company contact information.

Listen, no one on this forum cares about WHO posts information. We just want information. None of us likes deleting all the Spam messages we get in our email. And it�s the same thing here. The complaint is: Please stop using the forum as an excuse to Spam us. Your defense of this cloaked Spam of: * �Oh, I just wanted to corrected the address� on this aged posting � OR � * �Thank you for mentioning our company name� on this aged posting

� seems na�ve. Or is there more to it than that?

Finally, please help me understand the "incorrect or blatantly false information about a supplier or one of their products� that the poster that started this conversation corrected with their posting, so that I don't do that again.

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