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Uneven Wave Solder Contact Patch

Views: 2589


Uneven Wave Solder Contact Patch | 12 April, 2019

We have found that our wave solder will produce worse hole fill/top side fillets nearest the conveyor, on most boards.

I believe this is due in part to the smaller contact patches near the conveyor fingers.

What could cause this reduced contact patch?

We also regularly run different pallets that produce similar results to boards without pallets.


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Uneven Wave Solder Contact Patch | 15 April, 2019

Are you sure that the rails are perpindicular to the solder pot? Everything looks torqued ---{Or maybe it looks torqued because of the light reflections being at a different angle than other things]

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Uneven Wave Solder Contact Patch | 15 April, 2019

I want to say that waaaayy back when we had an issue like that and it was time to clean the pot.

The operator would speed the pump up over time to compensate but it only really helped in the middle of the wave.

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Uneven Wave Solder Contact Patch | 7 June, 2019

Its more than likely the conveyor is slightly out and needs dropping. You do have a fairly significant contact though so are you sure the Solder pot isnt running too cool for Lead free, needs to be around 275C for good wicking and flow or 250C if leaded. Anything cooler and it will freeze in the hole and the less contact area the less heat your throwing into the Board causing it to freeze faster

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Uneven Wave Solder Contact Patch | 23 September, 2019

You need thermal couple at the location where insufficient solder occur, it would tell you the true story.

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Uneven Wave Solder Contact Patch | 25 September, 2019

what am I looking at int he picture? is this a glass plate running over the wave?

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