>> Enjoy knocking you as well (just joking) rather get onto Steve and Justin! >> Wayne HEY!! Wud I do? Jes 'cause I tried to scam a few Fosters and a shooter or two of Rumpleminz (nectar of the gods by the way, right next to Jaegermeister) don't make me the red-headed step-child, does it? (GRIN) Anyways, I can kinda' sympathize with Scott's frustration. Sometimes for whatever reason, you wind-up getting the short end of the stick when you've bought something, or payed for a service that didn't live up to what was told to you. The way I've handled things like that in the past, is to usually kick myself in the butt for getting sucked in, but depending on how serious the problem was, I have been known to be upset enough to do just like Scott did...badmouth and trash who ever it was who took advantage of my ignorance and sold me something just to make their commission. Now I'm not saying that what I or Scott did is right, but it is understandable from a human nature point of view. Sure, any problem can be fixed given enough time or money, but most of us are under the gun to make absolutely sure that whatever decisions we make, whether it's to recommend capital equipment, or something process related, to work as advertised (or as promised). There's not a whole lot of us that can afford the kind of time to work through issues that weren't expected when something doesn't go the way it was promised to you it would, but we have to take the time anyway...we have no other choice. I think a lot of frustration comes from just that. You live and learn. I think I've mellowed out quite a bit from the way I used to be, I had to...I didn't like being pissed-off all the time, and I didn't want to keel over from a heart attack before I turned 45. The first manager I ever worked for in this business did...Mike Briskey, it actually was a stroke...and he was a little older than 45. But he was one of those kind of people that was always wound-up, and he would get very, very angry at anybody that didn't live up to what he was expecting of them. So I guess the whole point of this journal is, r-e-l-a-x...don't let yourself get so spooled-up Scott. Believe me, I hear you, but I just hate to see you as stressed as it seems you may be. I know it's hard, especially when you really want to do a good job. You're may be a little like me, I've got a type-A personality, and I'm a perfectionist to boot, so it's a ongoing battle for me. I'm learning how to let go of things a lot more than I ever used to, and it's worth it...I can sleep at night now. Take Care Scott!! -Steve Gregory-
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